Not started
Integrate WalletConnect into Respect Game Web App and Fractal App Via Privy
Integrate WalletConnect into Respect Game Web App and Fractal App Via Privy
Research Alchemy Smart Accounts, ZeroDev, and other Account Abstraction wallet tools that enable Gasless Transactions
Research Alchemy Smart Accounts, ZeroDev, and other Account Abstraction wallet tools that enable Gasless Transactions
Fix Optimism Fractal website SEO
Fix Optimism Fractal website SEO
Create Instructions for Optimism Fractal GPT
Create Instructions for Optimism Fractal GPT
Consider opening the Optimism Fractal notion site to Search Engine Indexing
Consider opening the Optimism Fractal notion site to Search Engine Indexing
Dan Singjoy
Research or watch video about ‘create new action’ in custom GPT
Research or watch video about ‘create new action’ in custom GPT
Dan Singjoy
Decide the best way to update information for ChatGPT
Decide the best way to update information for ChatGPT
Use Pandoc to convert notion exports to txt files
Use Pandoc to convert notion exports to txt files
Test Optimism Fractal GPT with mobile chat gpt app - i think this could be very powerful…
Test Optimism Fractal GPT with mobile chat gpt app - i think this could be very powerful…
Create Conversation Starters for Optimism Fractal GPT
Create Conversation Starters for Optimism Fractal GPT
Review Inspiration of Hats Protocol GPT
Review Inspiration of Hats Protocol GPT
Review ChatGPT responses: remember to train customGPTs with txt files and use Pandoc to convert Markdown from Notion to TXT Files
Review ChatGPT responses: remember to train customGPTs with txt files and use Pandoc to convert Markdown from Notion to TXT Files
Curate introductory resources about Lens Protocol
Curate introductory resources about Lens Protocol
Curate comparison between Farcaster and Lens
Curate comparison between Farcaster and Lens
Curate introductory resources about Farcaster
Curate introductory resources about Farcaster
Office Hours #1 Notes, July 5th
Dan Singjoy
Office Hours #1 Notes, July 5th
Consider to start posting tweets with link in the reply rather than in the first message. In the first message writing ‘link below 👇🏽’ or something like that to get more engagement on x
Dan Singjoy
Consider to start posting tweets with link in the reply rather than in the first message. In the first message writing ‘link below 👇🏽’ or something like that to get more engagement on x
Make follow up post on core intents gov post
Make follow up post on core intents gov post
Dan Singjoy
Review Checklist Before Event
Review Checklist Before Event
Prepare Contributions for Respect Game
Prepare Contributions for Respect Game
Implement Wallet Connection Services into Optimism Fractal App
Implement Wallet Connection Services into Optimism Fractal App
Use AI to summarize the conversation with Rosmari about Optopics
Dan Singjoy
Use AI to summarize the conversation with Rosmari about Optopics
Post Introductory Posts for Optimism Town Hall, Cagendas, Optopics, Optimism Fractal Season 3 on Paragraph
Post Introductory Posts for Optimism Town Hall, Cagendas, Optopics, Optimism Fractal Season 3 on Paragraph
Dan Singjoy
Create blog post to introduce Cagendas, Optopics, and game modes
Create blog post to introduce Cagendas, Optopics, and game modes
Propose topics about Base in Optimism Town Hall
Propose topics about Base in Optimism Town Hall
Research ORA Onchain AI integrations with Optimism Fractal and Respect Game app
Dan Singjoy
Research ORA Onchain AI integrations with Optimism Fractal and Respect Game app
Contact developer relations team at base
Contact developer relations team at base
Add notes from conversations with Optimystics about Optimystics Fractal and Eden Fractal on Base here
Dan Singjoy
Add notes from conversations with Optimystics about Optimystics Fractal and Eden Fractal on Base here
Respond and join base office hours and fill out form for onchain summer
Respond and join base office hours and fill out form for onchain summer
Fill out the form to Build On Base
Dan Singjoy
Fill out the form to Build On Base
Split this project into two projects
Split this project into two projects
Respond to Zaal and Rosmari about Optimism Fractal referral system
Dan Singjoy
Respond to Zaal and Rosmari about Optimism Fractal referral system
Respond to Jacob Homanics on Optimism Governance Forum
Respond to Jacob Homanics on Optimism Governance Forum
Dan Singjoy
Respond to Jacob Homanics in Roles and Reputations Telegram Group
Respond to Jacob Homanics in Roles and Reputations Telegram Group
Dan Singjoy
Integrate embedded wallet toolkit like privy with Respect Game app
Integrate embedded wallet toolkit like privy with Respect Game app
Provide Feedback on OPF Tree V1.1
Dan Singjoy
Provide Feedback on OPF Tree V1.1
Prepare Introductory Presentation
Dan Singjoy
Prepare Introductory Presentation
Test Figma Slides for collaborative events
Dan Singjoy
Test Figma Slides for collaborative events
quote tweet all of rosmari’s posts
Dan Singjoy
quote tweet all of rosmari’s posts
Curate Superchain Members and Registry - Google Sheets
Curate Superchain Members and Registry - Google Sheets
Articles, websites, and artwork introducing fractal democracy
Articles, websites, and artwork introducing fractal democracy
Add Fractal Democracy: A Primer. What is it, and how can it be used to… | by James Mart | Medium
Add Fractal Democracy: A Primer. What is it, and how can it be used to… | by James Mart | Medium
Research Coinbase Ventures: Advancing crypto & Web3
Research Coinbase Ventures: Advancing crypto & Web3
Research coinbase crypto university
Research coinbase crypto university
Consider creating sub-projects and different pages of documentation for different funding opportunities
Consider creating sub-projects and different pages of documentation for different funding opportunities
Create page
Create page
Consider reach out to optimism design and marketing leads about using similar artwork
Dan Singjoy
Consider reach out to optimism design and marketing leads about using similar artwork
Consider updating core intent to just write Superchain rather than optimism Superchain. See this tweet from binji and search results google , YouTube, x, etc. I think that there is only one Superchain and people can easily find it from just searching the Superchain. It already says optimism in the name and many other places on our website, promotions, and videos. Our main target audience is people who are already familiar with optimism and so calling it just the Superchain may be better for them. Especially people like Base like optimism a lot but just they may prefer saying Superchain because it is simpler. I thought optimism Superchain would make it clearer For fractal community members outside of the Superchain or friends and family that we reach out to outside of onchain world, but I don’t think it makes it much clearer and they can now find that info on the website easily. I haven’t really heard optimism Collective leadership refer to it as the optimism Superchain either, and I think they’re all very supportive of just calling it the Superchain. Overall I think calling it just the Superchain is probably cleaner, simpler, smoother, and better. Create page that includes video from Karl fleursch about the Superchain. Also merge with other notes and consider rosmari’s feedback about why we don’t need to have entire sections for both optimism and base directly on the homepage but rather just add a section for Superchain. These changes would be good to make at the same time. It can be added higher as well, like in the grow your onchain career section. And update the intro of the Notion site and intro to reflect Superchain as well. We already have great picture for it so it will be easy to make these updates. Soon can also add zora and red stone as other examples
Consider updating core intent to just write Superchain rather than optimism Superchain. See this tweet from binji and search results google , YouTube, x, etc. I think that there is only one Superchain and people can easily find it from just searching the Superchain. It already says optimism in the name and many other places on our website, promotions, and videos. Our main target audience is people who are already familiar with optimism and so calling it just the Superchain may be better for them. Especially people like Base like optimism a lot but just they may prefer saying Superchain because it is simpler. I thought optimism Superchain would make it clearer For fractal community members outside of the Superchain or friends and family that we reach out to outside of onchain world, but I don’t think it makes it much clearer and they can now find that info on the website easily. I haven’t really heard optimism Collective leadership refer to it as the optimism Superchain either, and I think they’re all very supportive of just calling it the Superchain. Overall I think calling it just the Superchain is probably cleaner, simpler, smoother, and better. Create page that includes video from Karl fleursch about the Superchain. Also merge with other notes and consider rosmari’s feedback about why we don’t need to have entire sections for both optimism and base directly on the homepage but rather just add a section for Superchain. These changes would be good to make at the same time. It can be added higher as well, like in the grow your onchain career section. And update the intro of the Notion site and intro to reflect Superchain as well. We already have great picture for it so it will be easy to make these updates. Soon can also add zora and red stone as other examples
Research Camp Network for Using Web2 data to supercharge Web3 apps, while paying users for their data! 🟠✨
Research Camp Network for Using Web2 data to supercharge Web3 apps, while paying users for their data! 🟠✨
Try doing a batch transcription/summarization of all audio notes in tasks AND first set up ChatGPT API with MacWhisper then compare with Claude to refine this process
Dan Singjoy
Try doing a batch transcription/summarization of all audio notes in tasks AND first set up ChatGPT API with MacWhisper then compare with Claude to refine this process
Promote Optimism Town Hall 34
Promote Optimism Town Hall 34
Record audio brainstorming and identifying any potential legal attack vectors, then ask claude to write agreement clauses based upon this
Record audio brainstorming and identifying any potential legal attack vectors, then ask claude to write agreement clauses based upon this
Dan Singjoy
Respond to Abraham about Optimism Delegates and Optimism Fractal ORDAO account
Dan Singjoy
Respond to Abraham about Optimism Delegates and Optimism Fractal ORDAO account
Post in Optimism Town Hall thread on gov forum
Post in Optimism Town Hall thread on gov forum
Prepare slides
Prepare slides
Retweet and recast
Retweet and recast
Research Web3alert - blockchain notification system
Research Web3alert - blockchain notification system
Post in Optimism Gov Forum OF thread
Post in Optimism Gov Forum OF thread
Message Fractally community chat and fractaljoy?
Message Fractally community chat and fractaljoy?
Promote Optimism Town Hall Topic and my new document ‘Growing Together’
Promote Optimism Town Hall Topic and my new document ‘Growing Together’
Dan Singjoy
Propose and create Optimism Fractal Participant Agreement
Dan Singjoy
Propose and create Optimism Fractal Participant Agreement
Quote Tweet OF 52 Tweet
Quote Tweet OF 52 Tweet
Respond to Orlando with Notion and Contributor Page
Respond to Orlando with Notion and Contributor Page
Write article about How Does the Optimism Collective Recognize Impact?
Dan Singjoy
Write article about How Does the Optimism Collective Recognize Impact?
Provide feedback in Season 6 Feedback Thread - Feedback 💬 - Optimism Collective
Provide feedback in Season 6 Feedback Thread - Feedback 💬 - Optimism Collective
Consider using strategy and forked resources for optimism fractal website- About Us |
Consider using strategy and forked resources for optimism fractal website- About Us |
Consider forking Contributing page for Optimism Fractal |
Consider forking Contributing page for Optimism Fractal |
Respond in forum thread- Future Citizenship Selection Criteria - Retro Funding 🔴 - Optimism Collective
Dan Singjoy
Respond in forum thread- Future Citizenship Selection Criteria - Retro Funding 🔴 - Optimism Collective
Review Psinq DAC “Meeting Rank Order Voting” App (Fractally)and Thomas website for Eden on eos app too - save and organize better
Dan Singjoy
Review Psinq DAC “Meeting Rank Order Voting” App (Fractally)and Thomas website for Eden on eos app too - save and organize better
Review prior notes about RetroPolls and add more from private notes
Review prior notes about RetroPolls and add more from private notes
Add notes from RetroSeaosn and create a different project for this
Add notes from RetroSeaosn and create a different project for this
Dan Singjoy
Research and test snapshot x
Research and test snapshot x
Research Domino Notifications for snapshot and discord notifications, as well as other features of website
Research Domino Notifications for snapshot and discord notifications, as well as other features of website
Add collaborations with will t , patrick, and david from hats
Add collaborations with will t , patrick, and david from hats
create zao fractal page)
create zao fractal page)
Add attabotty feedback from OF 48 and zaal to feedback page
Add attabotty feedback from OF 48 and zaal to feedback page
Dan Singjoy
Plan to use notion instead of charmverse at first so we can host it on Optimism Fractal site and synergize with Respect Game promotions
Plan to use notion instead of charmverse at first so we can host it on Optimism Fractal site and synergize with Respect Game promotions
Update Optimism Fractal Contributors Page and Transition it to the Community Networking Site with Hats Protocol
Dan Singjoy
Update Optimism Fractal Contributors Page and Transition it to the Community Networking Site with Hats Protocol
Create Optimism Fractal Blog
Create Optimism Fractal Blog
Research Pairwise: RF6’s Voting Tool & Liquid Democracy Experiment
Research Pairwise: RF6’s Voting Tool & Liquid Democracy Experiment
Research Looker Studio for RetroReport
Research Looker Studio for RetroReport
Review episode and timestamps about POAPs at Optimism Fractal’s 19th episode
Review episode and timestamps about POAPs at Optimism Fractal’s 19th episode
Consider implementing POAPS for Optimism Fractal RetroSeason
Consider implementing POAPS for Optimism Fractal RetroSeason
Consider implementing POAPs at Optimism Town Hall Events
Consider implementing POAPs at Optimism Town Hall Events
In progress
Sign up for and start posting there
Dan Singjoy
Sign up for and start posting there
Curate the fractally whitepaper
Curate the fractally whitepaper
Define protocol and add instructions for what to do when someone doesn’t have an evm account
Define protocol and add instructions for what to do when someone doesn’t have an evm account
Watch, curate, and create videos about Optimism Fractal funding opportunities
Watch, curate, and create videos about Optimism Fractal funding opportunities
Create guide to earn funding from Optimism Collective
Create guide to earn funding from Optimism Collective
Compare and Contrast integrating RainbowKit and Privy for wallet connections
Compare and Contrast integrating RainbowKit and Privy for wallet connections
Research and Consider integrating with RainbowKit
Research and Consider integrating with RainbowKit
Create Project and Task Templates to Prepare for Optimism Fractal
Dan Singjoy
Create Project and Task Templates to Prepare for Optimism Fractal
Dan Singjoy
Research and Apply for Onchain Summer
Research and Apply for Onchain Summer
Research Coinbase Developer Platform
Research Coinbase Developer Platform
Curate Retro Funding Opportunities on Base and Collaborations with Optimism
Curate Retro Funding Opportunities on Base and Collaborations with Optimism
Read Season 6: Mission Request Voting Guide - Delegates 🏛 / Voting Cycles - Optimism Collective
Read Season 6: Mission Request Voting Guide - Delegates 🏛 / Voting Cycles - Optimism Collective
organize Optimism Fractal Feedback Notion Page into a database: Feedback about Optimism Fractal
Develop Heliotropism Branding and Storying Telling Connecting Optimism Fractal Sunnyflower and Optimism Retro Funding Sunny
Develop Heliotropism Branding and Storying Telling Connecting Optimism Fractal Sunnyflower and Optimism Retro Funding Sunny
See Response from Hellno about herocast then set up a hats tree for other accounts
Dan Singjoy
See Response from Hellno about herocast then set up a hats tree for other accounts
Draft Blog Post: Unveiling the Optimism Town Hall – A Keystone for Collective Engagement and Governance
Draft Blog Post: Unveiling the Optimism Town Hall – A Keystone for Collective Engagement and Governance
Write brief introduction to OPC Auxiliary token and project outline to design, develop, and deploy OPC in Cagendas games at Optimism Town Hall
Write brief introduction to OPC Auxiliary token and project outline to design, develop, and deploy OPC in Cagendas games at Optimism Town Hall
Write introductory post about the optimism town hall that explains how it's unique and valuable for the optimism collective using all the information above as inspiration. Explain a bit about cagendas and game modes like optopics, the synergies with the Respect Game at Optimism Fractal, and a bit about Opie Sunny flower and where it fits in the optimistic vision
Write introductory post about the optimism town hall that explains how it's unique and valuable for the optimism collective using all the information above as inspiration. Explain a bit about cagendas and game modes like optopics, the synergies with the Respect Game at Optimism Fractal, and a bit about Opie Sunny flower and where it fits in the optimistic vision
Create a blog post, summary, and promotional post about how Optimism Town Hall helps citizens
Create a blog post, summary, and promotional post about how Optimism Town Hall helps citizens
Write Blog Post(s) introducing cagendas at optimism town hall
Write Blog Post(s) introducing cagendas at optimism town hall
Write a blog post about how cagendas and optimism town hall benefit the optimism collective
Write a blog post about how cagendas and optimism town hall benefit the optimism collective
Write a blog post about how you can help lead Optimism Collective governance at Optimism Town Hall
Write a blog post about how you can help lead Optimism Collective governance at Optimism Town Hall
Write blog posts about why optimism town hall and cagendas benefit optimism fractal and synergies between these
Write blog posts about why optimism town hall and cagendas benefit optimism fractal and synergies between these
Write brief summary of Cagendas and Optimism Town Hall
Write brief summary of Cagendas and Optimism Town Hall
Write and curate the history of Cagendas and how it leads to Optimism Town Hall
Write and curate the history of Cagendas and how it leads to Optimism Town Hall
Create topics for discussion to propose for Cagendas at Optimism Town Hall
Create topics for discussion to propose for Cagendas at Optimism Town Hall
Write blog post to introduce Optimism Town Hall, cagendas, and OPC to the optimism collective
Write blog post to introduce Optimism Town Hall, cagendas, and OPC to the optimism collective
Write blog posts to introduce cagendas to the optimism collective
Write blog posts to introduce cagendas to the optimism collective
Write Blog Post(s) to introduce Optimism Town Hall to the Optimism Collective and explain how it relates to Optimism Fractal
Write Blog Post(s) to introduce Optimism Town Hall to the Optimism Collective and explain how it relates to Optimism Fractal
Write Promotional Messages to introduce Cagendas to the Optimism Collective and more general audience
Write Promotional Messages to introduce Cagendas to the Optimism Collective and more general audience
Write Promotional Message to introduce Optimism Town Hall to the Optimism Collective and more general audience
Write Promotional Message to introduce Optimism Town Hall to the Optimism Collective and more general audience
Write Promotional Messages about Optimism Fractal, OPF, and OPC to the Optimism Collective
Write Promotional Messages about Optimism Fractal, OPF, and OPC to the Optimism Collective
Write Promotional Messages about Cagendas at Optimism Town Hall
Write Promotional Messages about Cagendas at Optimism Town Hall
Consider enabling Search Engine Indexing for Notion Site
Consider enabling Search Engine Indexing for Notion Site
Write a blog post about how cagendas and the respect token can positively impact all communities and organizations
Write a blog post about how cagendas and the respect token can positively impact all communities and organizations
Write blog post about synergies between the Respect Game, Roles and Reputations, and Optimism Fractal
Write blog post about synergies between the Respect Game, Roles and Reputations, and Optimism Fractal
Read and Curate Articles about Optimism Collective Season 6
Read and Curate Articles about Optimism Collective Season 6
Dan Singjoy
See Jrocki’s Response to Book the next available Optimism Demo Day
Dan Singjoy
See Jrocki’s Response to Book the next available Optimism Demo Day
Create project outline for engaging with Base
Create project outline for engaging with Base
Research and apply for Base Ecosystem Fund
Research and apply for Base Ecosystem Fund
Dan Singjoy
Create list of well-respected community members
Create list of well-respected community members
Propose Refinements to Optopics and Review Design Considerations
Dan Singjoy
Propose Refinements to Optopics and Review Design Considerations
Create Artwork for Optopics
Create Artwork for Optopics
Explain the benefits, similarities, differences, and synergies between Cagendas Original and Optopics game modes
Explain the benefits, similarities, differences, and synergies between Cagendas Original and Optopics game modes
Develop the Sunny Flower Character as the Mascot for Optimism Fractal
Develop the Sunny Flower Character as the Mascot for Optimism Fractal
Dan Singjoy
Review Base Brand Design Kit and create complementary promotional artwork
Review Base Brand Design Kit and create complementary promotional artwork
Create Opie the Optimistic Octopus as the Mascot for Optimism Town Hall
Dan Singjoy
Create Opie the Optimistic Octopus as the Mascot for Optimism Town Hall
Post on Paragraph and/or Mirror
Post on Paragraph and/or Mirror
‣ in Gov Forum
Promote OTH 1 in Gov Forum
Provide Feedback on the IC-Fractal App PRD by Hodlon and bitbeckers
Provide Feedback on the IC-Fractal App PRD by Hodlon and bitbeckers
Dan Singjoy
Create an Optimism Town Hall introductory article for the Optimism Collective and decide places to promote
Create an Optimism Town Hall introductory article for the Optimism Collective and decide places to promote
Dan Singjoy
Welcome Sandiforward and message him about
Welcome Sandiforward and message him about
Dan Singjoy
Create Standard Operating Procedure to Create Mission Requests (for Sov)
Dan Singjoy
Create Standard Operating Procedure to Create Mission Requests (for Sov)
Respond in hats telegram about mad hatter, town hall event, Welcome Will and Rosmari to the Hats + OF Chat and Respond to Zeugh
Respond in hats telegram about mad hatter, town hall event, Welcome Will and Rosmari to the Hats + OF Chat and Respond to Zeugh
Respond to Tadas about OPTOPICS and Optimism Town Hall snapshot spaces
Dan Singjoy
Respond to Tadas about OPTOPICS and Optimism Town Hall snapshot spaces
Review About Attestations | Optimism Docs - review article and this section with link to canonical decentralized schema registry for optimism attestions - they can be sorted by most popular attestation schemas there and it explains why use attestation schemas instead of only soulbound tokens
Review About Attestations | Optimism Docs - review article and this section with link to canonical decentralized schema registry for optimism attestions - they can be sorted by most popular attestation schemas there and it explains why use attestation schemas instead of only soulbound tokens
Post about Eden Fractal Epoch 2 in Optimism Governance Forum
Post about Eden Fractal Epoch 2 in Optimism Governance Forum
Define Responsibilities, Qualifications, Instructions, and Benefits for Leads
Define Responsibilities, Qualifications, Instructions, and Benefits for Leads
Improve hosting and pre-breakout room process make it easier for leads and participants
Improve hosting and pre-breakout room process make it easier for leads and participants
Create backup plans in case we don’t have enough leads
Create backup plans in case we don’t have enough leads
Create announcement post to request leads for Optimism Fractal
Create announcement post to request leads for Optimism Fractal
Review Prior Research into Community Agreements
Review Prior Research into Community Agreements
Respond to Spencer Graham about simple places to start integrating Hats Protocol and Community Agreement Module
Dan Singjoy
Respond to Spencer Graham about simple places to start integrating Hats Protocol and Community Agreement Module
Post concluding message on gov forum and tweet about Optimism Fractal Season 3 and 4
Post concluding message on gov forum and tweet about Optimism Fractal Season 3 and 4
Dan Singjoy
Create Topic Proposal to Introduce Optimism Builders at Optimism Town Hall
Create Topic Proposal to Introduce Optimism Builders at Optimism Town Hall
Dan Singjoy
Add notes from Eden Builders website plans
Add notes from Eden Builders website plans
Make topic proposal about videos at Optimism Town Hall
Make topic proposal about videos at Optimism Town Hall
Organize value propositions of videos for Optimism Collective and Superchain
Organize value propositions of videos for Optimism Collective and Superchain
Review introductory notes about this project to create system for recording and publishing breakout groups
Review introductory notes about this project to create system for recording and publishing breakout groups
Organize Plans to Promote Optimism Fractal Videos
Organize Plans to Promote Optimism Fractal Videos
Prepare to launch Optimism Town Hall as a sepa
Prepare to launch Optimism Town Hall as a sepa
Dan Singjoy
Curate responses about the importance of videos from Optimism Season 5 Mission Request
Curate responses about the importance of videos from Optimism Season 5 Mission Request
Promote and apply for Mission Request from Optimism Season 6
Promote and apply for Mission Request from Optimism Season 6
Create educational resources about video production with Optimism Fractal
Create educational resources about video production with Optimism Fractal
Curate parts of article for Optimism Fractal
Curate parts of article for Optimism Fractal
Respond to Will about educational resources for Cagendas
Dan Singjoy
Respond to Will about educational resources for Cagendas
Curate notes about Flower Time and Garden Joy shows created from weekly presentations in the Respect Game
Curate notes about Flower Time and Garden Joy shows created from weekly presentations in the Respect Game
Dan Singjoy
Research OP onchain summer incentives and start posting in onchain summer
Dan Singjoy
Research OP onchain summer incentives and start posting in onchain summer
Document current issues and opportunities for improvement with Cagendas and OPTOPICS
Document current issues and opportunities for improvement with Cagendas and OPTOPICS
Dan Singjoy
Read Season 6: Mission Application Guide - Grants 🏹 - Optimism Collective
Read Season 6: Mission Application Guide - Grants 🏹 - Optimism Collective
Organize the Optimism Town Hall Topics Database with Potential Topics to Propose
Dan Singjoy
Organize the Optimism Town Hall Topics Database with Potential Topics to Propose
Consider places to Promote Optimism Town Hall #2
Consider places to Promote Optimism Town Hall #2
Create Standard Arc Folder for Intro Presentation
Create Standard Arc Folder for Intro Presentation
Dan Singjoy
Write introduction to Optimism Fractal tools
Write introduction to Optimism Fractal tools
Research Contributor Funding and Reach out to George Lovegrove from Web3 Association
Research Contributor Funding and Reach out to George Lovegrove from Web3 Association
Read: Individual Contribution Logs - Contribution verification, reputation building, improved funding decisions, SSI adoption and more! - 🏛 Token House Governance - Optimism CollectiveRead and reach out to lovegrove George offering to collaborate and make topic proposal to discuss his ideas and how optimism fractal can play a role in Open Source Contributors - A promising alternative to idea based funding - 🏛 Token House Governance - Optimism Collective
Research Contributor Funding Resources from George Lovegrove with from Web3 Association (@W3Association) / X
Start posting on Luma for each weekly event
Dan Singjoy
Start posting on Luma for each weekly event
Decide the best way to explain Cagendas
Decide the best way to explain Cagendas
Review notes and create guidelines for hosting the Optimism Town Hall
Review notes and create guidelines for hosting the Optimism Town Hall
Dan Singjoy
Review Strategy to Create Guides, Articles, and Show Notes about Earning Retro Funding Funding with Optimism Fractal
Review Strategy to Create Guides, Articles, and Show Notes about Earning Retro Funding Funding with Optimism Fractal
Dan Singjoy
Post on /Base Builds farcaster channel with any kind of build to earn part of 2 ETH weekly
Post on /Base Builds farcaster channel with any kind of build to earn part of 2 ETH weekly
On Pause
Update Historical Notes
Update Historical Notes
Respond with links to optimism Town hall event in Optimism Community Call Recaps & Recordings Thread
Dan Singjoy
Respond with links to optimism Town hall event in Optimism Community Call Recaps & Recordings Thread
Consider moving Optimystics Promotional Strategy notes about Base into OF public site
Consider moving Optimystics Promotional Strategy notes about Base into OF public site
Dan Singjoy
Consider proposing inflation change for Optimism Collective
Consider proposing inflation change for Optimism Collective
Dan Singjoy
Curate introductory resources about ENS
Curate introductory resources about ENS
Consider ENS Synergies with Privy?
Consider ENS Synergies with Privy?
Explore opportunities for automating council permissions with Hats Protocol
Explore opportunities for automating council permissions with Hats Protocol
Explore other consensus processes
Explore other consensus processes
Review and Refine Orpolls
Review and Refine Orpolls
Review Dan’s Feedback about OREC
Review Dan’s Feedback about OREC
Check out Stack points leaderboard
Check out Stack points leaderboard
Explore Eden Plus Fractal delegate process as an option
Explore Eden Plus Fractal delegate process as an option
Review OREC article from Tadas
Review OREC article from Tadas
Review response about hybrid missions and optimism foundation office hours; and remember that Applicants no longer need to define the type of grant (builder or growth), this will be done internally. So teams only need to follow the mission application guide:
Review response about hybrid missions and optimism foundation office hours; and remember that Applicants no longer need to define the type of grant (builder or growth), this will be done internally. So teams only need to follow the mission application guide:
Dan Singjoy
Read Optimism Season 6 Mission Request Creation Guide
Read Optimism Season 6 Mission Request Creation Guide
Dan Singjoy
Create thumbnail and promo image for OF 27: Optopics
Create thumbnail and promo image for OF 27: Optopics
Read about Optimism Missions v2.5 in Season 6 - Governance Design 📐 / Metagovernance - Optimism Collective
Read about Optimism Missions v2.5 in Season 6 - Governance Design 📐 / Metagovernance - Optimism Collective
Review Updates from Optimism Foundation at Token House Call
Review Updates from Optimism Foundation at Token House Call
Create Topic Proposal and new OPTOPICS Poll
Dan Singjoy
Create Topic Proposal and new OPTOPICS Poll
Respond to Hodlon about DAOs interview with Owocki and Buurtzorg Nursing Organization
Dan Singjoy
Respond to Hodlon about DAOs interview with Owocki and Buurtzorg Nursing Organization
Message Eden Fractal Community chat
Message Eden Fractal Community chat
Respond to Tadas about the Current Problems with Fractals and the Meeting Schedule article
Respond to Tadas about the Current Problems with Fractals and the Meeting Schedule article
Create topic for Optimism Town Hall, January 9th
Dan Singjoy
Create topic for Optimism Town Hall, January 9th
Write “Growing Together: Strategic Evolution of Fractal Communities in 2025” and Respond to Tadas’ article ‘Current Problems for Fractals and the Meeting Schedule’
Dan Singjoy
Write “Growing Together: Strategic Evolution of Fractal Communities in 2025” and Respond to Tadas’ article ‘Current Problems for Fractals and the Meeting Schedule’
Respond to Eric about Optimism Fractal contributions for his application
Dan Singjoy
Respond to Eric about Optimism Fractal contributions for his application
Draft new version of Optimism Fractal Intents
Draft new version of Optimism Fractal Intents
Create Proposal 2: Evolution of Optimism Fractal Core Intents for 2025
Create Proposal 2: Evolution of Optimism Fractal Core Intents for 2025
Dan Singjoy
Create Proposal to change to biweekly cadence
Dan Singjoy
Create Proposal to change to biweekly cadence
Create OTH topic proposal for Season 3, Week 5
Create OTH topic proposal for Season 3, Week 5
Create Topic Proposals for OTH
Create Topic Proposals for OTH
Propose end of season 4 / start date for Optimism Fractal Season 5
Propose end of season 4 / start date for Optimism Fractal Season 5
Dan Singjoy
Create Topic for OTH , October 17th, about RetroSeason and RetroPitches
Dan Singjoy
Create Topic for OTH , October 17th, about RetroSeason and RetroPitches
Respond to Polynya on Warpcast AMA
Respond to Polynya on Warpcast AMA
Dan Singjoy
Promote town hall in hats chat
Dan Singjoy
Promote town hall in hats chat
Post questions on snapshot and prepare presentation for OF 44 topic with David Ehrlichman
Dan Singjoy
Post questions on snapshot and prepare presentation for OF 44 topic with David Ehrlichman
Create Topic Proposal for OF 44 and Agenda for Optimism Town Hall with David Ehrlichman
Create Topic Proposal for OF 44 and Agenda for Optimism Town Hall with David Ehrlichman
Dan Singjoy
Respond, Send Calendar, and post topic proposal for Create Agenda for Optimism Town Hall with David Ehrlichman
Dan Singjoy
Respond, Send Calendar, and post topic proposal for Create Agenda for Optimism Town Hall with David Ehrlichman
Post about Optimism Fractal Hats Tree, Hatathon, ORDAO Office Hours, and technical development in Optimism Governance Forum
Post about Optimism Fractal Hats Tree, Hatathon, ORDAO Office Hours, and technical development in Optimism Governance Forum
Post Topic Proposal for Optimism Fractal Hats Tree
Post Topic Proposal for Optimism Fractal Hats Tree
Dan Singjoy
Announce Optimism Fractal Hats Tree Integration on Twitter and Warpcast
Announce Optimism Fractal Hats Tree Integration on Twitter and Warpcast
Dan Singjoy
Announce Optimism Fractal Hats Tree Integration in OF Discord
Announce Optimism Fractal Hats Tree Integration in OF Discord
Announce Optimism Fractal Hats Tree Integration in Hats, EF, and OF Telegram Chats
Announce Optimism Fractal Hats Tree Integration in Hats, EF, and OF Telegram Chats
Dan Singjoy
Propose Topics for OF 39
Propose Topics for OF 39
Send topics and messages for OF 39
Dan Singjoy
Send topics and messages for OF 39
Notes for OF 38
Notes for OF 38
Troubleshoot and Verify Snapshot Space for Optimism Town Hall
Troubleshoot and Verify Snapshot Space for Optimism Town Hall
Dan Singjoy
Create and Organize Topic(s) for Optimism Fractal 38
Create and Organize Topic(s) for Optimism Fractal 38
Dan Singjoy
Create discord post for OTH Hall Topics, August 22
Propose topic for Optimism Collective Governance after OF 38
Review topic, discussion, and resources about Optimism Collective Identity
Propose topic about Unifying the Superchain
Propose topic about Optimism Fractal Discussions
Troubleshoot and Verify Snapshot Space for Optimism Town Hall
Post on Luma
Post on Luma
Dan Post on X and Farcaster
Dan Post on X and Farcaster
Post on FractalJoy
Post on FractalJoy
Post about Eden Fractal in OF chat
Post about Eden Fractal in OF chat
See the audio file in
Create Governance forum Post for Optimism Fractal Season 4 (and OF 37)
Create Governance forum Post for Optimism Fractal Season 4 (and OF 37)
Draft Telegram Post and Topic Proposal for EF 106
Draft Telegram Post and Topic Proposal for EF 106
Dan Singjoy
Create Discord Post and Topic Proposal for OF 37
Create Discord Post and Topic Proposal for OF 37
Dan Singjoy
Transcribe and ask ai to Create welcome back and topic proposal messages for optimism fractal and Eden Fractal
Transcribe and ask ai to Create welcome back and topic proposal messages for optimism fractal and Eden Fractal
Prepare for Meeting with Will T and Let’s Grow about Cagendas
Dan Singjoy
Prepare for Meeting with Will T and Let’s Grow about Cagendas
Respond to Zaal about Fractalgram and Block Explorers
Dan Singjoy
Respond to Zaal about Fractalgram and Block Explorers
Write Luma Bio for Fractal Office Hours
Write Luma Bio for Fractal Office Hours
Dan Singjoy
Propose topic for Optimism Fractal 36
Propose topic for Optimism Fractal 36
Dan Singjoy
Respond to Zaal about season 3/4
Dan Singjoy
Respond to Zaal about season 3/4
Respond to hodlon about proposal to add a governance channel
Respond to hodlon about proposal to add a governance channel
Dan Singjoy
Propose Topic for OF 35 about OPTOPICS
Dan Singjoy
Propose Topic for OF 35 about OPTOPICS
Create topic for OF 36
Create topic for OF 36
Dan Singjoy
quote tweet and cast posts about OF 34 and EF 105
quote tweet and cast posts about OF 34 and EF 105
Dan Singjoy
Review response to Pascal’s respect meme in Eden Fractal chat about awards vs rewards, benefits of fractal events, and heavenly savings
Dan Singjoy
Review response to Pascal’s respect meme in Eden Fractal chat about awards vs rewards, benefits of fractal events, and heavenly savings
Propose Optimism Fractal Season 4 and topic proposal for OTH
Propose Optimism Fractal Season 4 and topic proposal for OTH
Dan Singjoy
Create Optimism Fractal Mission Request GPT and AI Prompts to create mission requests
Create Optimism Fractal Mission Request GPT and AI Prompts to create mission requests
Dan Singjoy
make discord post inviting everyone to join office hours after event and follow up with gene
make discord post inviting everyone to join office hours after event and follow up with gene
Dan Singjoy
Respond to Abraham about non-consensus
Dan Singjoy
Respond to Abraham about non-consensus
Notes for OF 32
Notes for OF 32
Respond to Justine about mission requests
Dan Singjoy
Respond to Justine about mission requests
Respond to Nuno about Fractal Democracy
Dan Singjoy
Respond to Nuno about Fractal Democracy
review and respond nuno’s message about agenda setting in of discord
Dan Singjoy
review and respond nuno’s message about agenda setting in of discord
Propose topics for OF 31
Propose topics for OF 31
Prepare for S6 Election Town Hall to present self-nomination for Optimism Grants Council
Prepare for S6 Election Town Hall to present self-nomination for Optimism Grants Council
Dan Singjoy
Post in the Optimism Chat on Farcaster and Optimism Discord
Post in the Optimism Chat on Farcaster and Optimism Discord
Dan Singjoy
Create description for OF 29
Create description for OF 29
Post reminder about Optimism Town Hall 4 Discussion Topic Proposals on gov forum
Post reminder about Optimism Town Hall 4 Discussion Topic Proposals on gov forum
Dan Singjoy
Test if the first version of JokeRace enables free Contests
Dan Singjoy
Test if the first version of JokeRace enables free Contests
Listen to onchain summer opening ceremony
Dan Singjoy
Listen to onchain summer opening ceremony
Join X Space and Consider Message OP Michael or JRocki
Dan Singjoy
Join X Space and Consider Message OP Michael or JRocki
Apply for grants Council - due June 5th
Dan Singjoy
Apply for grants Council - due June 5th
Add to of calendar an join first episode
Dan Singjoy
Add to of calendar an join first episode
Propose Topic for Optimism Town Hall 2
Propose Topic for Optimism Town Hall 2
Propose the mission request for creating videos again
Propose the mission request for creating videos again
Dan Singjoy
Consider creating mission requests for Optimism Season 6
Consider creating mission requests for Optimism Season 6
Dan Singjoy
Create Presentations for OF 27
Create Presentations for OF 27
Make notes for OF 20
Make notes for OF 20
Summarize Articles about Optimism Collective Season 6
Summarize Articles about Optimism Collective Season 6
Dan Singjoy
Quote tweet and cast OF + OPTOPICS promotional message
Quote tweet and cast OF + OPTOPICS promotional message
Dan Singjoy
Curate presentation materials for Optimism Town Hall 2
Curate presentation materials for Optimism Town Hall 2
Dan Singjoy