Hey @Tadas, thank you for your thoughtful blog post examining current challenges and opportunities for fractal communities' meeting schedules. I've spent a lot of time over the break analyzing your insights and exploring how we can best evolve while addressing the core challenges you've identified.
I'm excited to share a detailed response in my new article "Growing Together: Strategic Evolution of Fractal Communities." The article examines opportunities to refine and build upon your analysis while maintaining our communities' momentum. It explores how the synergistic relationship between Eden Fractal and Optimism Fractal creates unique opportunities for transformative growth in 2025.
The article introduces two draft proposals that I believe will address the problems you've highlighted while positioning the fractal ecosystem for exponential growth:
- Implementing Cagendas at Eden Fractal to enable dynamic community-driven topic selection
- Establishing Eden Fractal core intents aligned with fostering fractal ecosystem growth
While these proposals focus on Eden Fractal's processes, they're specifically designed with Optimism Fractal in mind - aiming to help Optimism Fractal achieve its core intents, empower contributors in our community, and address the key challenges you've identified around software testing, funding discussions, and deliberative processes.
I've proposed discussing these ideas at tomorrow's #OptimismTownHall at 18 UTC. Your participation and insights would be much appreciated. We'll likely continue exploring these themes at next week's Eden Fractal event as well. I'm very curious to hear your thoughts and any feedback you might have for strengthening our approach.
After over a year of pioneering coordination innovations and building amazing infrastructure together, these strategic discussions we’re positioned to scale our impact to new heights in the new year. Excited to see everyone tomorrow as we begin writing the next chapter of our community's journey together
Happy New Year Optimism Fractal community! I hope everyone's feeling energized after the winter break as we take next steps in our fifth season. I'm looking forward to hearing what you’ve been up to and how you've been growing Optimism when we reconnect at tomorrow's Respect Game.
As you can see above, I've published a new article called "Growing Together: Strategic Evolution of Fractal Communities" - a comprehensive analysis of how Optimism Fractal and Eden Fractal can leverage their complementary strengths in 2025. The article introduces frameworks for enhancing our coordination infrastructure through two carefully designed proposals that aim to help each community member thrive while maximizing our collective impact on the Superchain.
I encourage anyone interested in contributing to our strategic evolution to read the article and join us at tomorrow's Optimism Town Hall to help shape these developments. Your feedback are insights are invaluable - whether shared during the discussion at tomorrow’s event, here in Discord, through Notion comments (let me know if you need access), or in the Eden Fractal telegram chat.
Everything we've built together so far - from our governance processes and coordination software to our vibrant builder community and videos - create an extraordinary foundation for scaling our impact this year. Excited to see everyone tomorrow as we begin writing the next chapter of our community's journey!
Everything that we’ve developed together so far create an extraordinary foundation for scaling our impact. Through thoughtful evolution guided by community wisdom, we can unlock unprecedented opportunities for builders across the Superchain while strengthening what makes Optimism Fractal special.
I'm excited to discuss these strategic developments at tomorrow's Optimism Town Hall after the Respect Game. Any feedback on the article would be greatly appreciated at the Optimism Town Hall event, here in our discord, in the Notion comments (let me know if you need access), or in the Eden Fractal telegram chat. You can also find more context in the Optimism Town Hall snapshot proposal I've linked below.
I'm excited to see everyone at tomorrow's events! After 15 months of building something truly special together, we're positioned to take our community to new heights in 2025. Together, we can create even more profound benefits for builders across the Superchain.
thoughtfully evolving our coordination infrastructure
Link to article: [Growing Together article] Growing Together: Strategic Evolution of Fractal Communities in 2025
Link to topic proposal: [Snapshot proposal]
As you can see above, I've published an article "Growing Together: Strategic Evolution of Fractal Communities" that's particularly relevant for our community. The article explores the synergistic relationship between Optimism Fractal and Eden Fractal, examining how we can leverage our unique strengths to help each community member thrive while maximizing our collective impact on the Superchain. I'm excited to discuss these strategic developments at tomorrow's Optimism Town Hall after the Respect Game. Any feedback on the article and draft proposals would be greatly appreciated - whether in the Notion comments (let me know if you need access), here in our Discord, or in the Eden Fractal Telegram. You can also find more context in the Optimism Town Hall snapshot proposal I've linked below. Most importantly, I hope to see everyone at tomorrow's events. After 15 months of building something truly special together, we're positioned to take our community to new heights in 2025. By thoughtfully evolving our coordination infrastructure while preserving what makes Optimism Fractal unique, we can create even more profound benefits for builders across the Superchain.
Happy New Year to everyone in the Optimism Fractal community!
I look forward to seeing you at tomorrow's events as we kick off what promises to be an incredible 2025. I encourage you to explore the resources linked above when you have a chance - both Tadas's insightful analysis and my response article examining opportunities to strengthen our community and ecosystem.
Whether or not you have time to review the materials beforehand, I'm excited to discuss these strategic developments together at tomorrow's Respect Game and Town Hall. Through thoughtful collaboration, we can maximize our impact on the Superchain while helping each community member thrive.
I've proposed discussing these ideas at tomorrow's Optimism Town Hall, where we can explore how to best integrate your insights about funding needs, software testing requirements, and deliberative processes into our evolving community structure. It would be wonderful to have your participation in that discussion if you're available.
I hope that everyone in the Optimism Fractal community is enjoying the new year! I look forward to working together to implement these refinements and create even more profound benefits for builders across the Superchain in 2025.
Hey Tadas, thank you very much for writing the thoughtful blog post
Read it carefully a few times
Hey Tadas, thank you for your thoughtful blog post examining current challenges and opportunities for fractal communities' meeting schedules. I've spent a lot of time over the break analyzing your insights and exploring how we can best evolve while addressing the problems you've identified.
I'm excited to share a detailed response in my new article "Growing Together: Strategic Evolution of Fractal Communities." The article examines opportunities to refine and build upon your analysis while building upon our communities' momentum. It explores how the synergistic relationship between Eden Fractal and Optimism Fractal creates unique opportunities for transformative growth in 2025.
The article introduces two draft proposals that I believe will address the problems you've highlighted while positioning the fractal ecosystem for exponential growth:
- Implementing Cagendas at Eden Fractal to enable dynamic community-driven topic selection enabled by ORDAO
- Establishing Eden Fractal core intents aligned with fostering fractal ecosystem growth
While these proposals focus on Eden Fractal's processes, they're specifically designed with Optimism Fractal in mind - aiming to help Optimism Fractal achieve its core intents, empower contributors in our community, and address the key challenges you've identified around software testing, funding discussions, and deliberative processes.
I've proposed discussing these ideas at tomorrow's #optimism-town-hall at 18 UTC. Your participation and insights would be much appreciated. We'll likely continue exploring these themes at next week's Eden Fractal event as well. I'm very curious to hear your thoughts and any feedback you might have for strengthening our approach.