This document describes our community’s intents, game rules, governance processes, and other important details about Optimism Fractal. You can think of this document as an operating manual for Optimism Fractal that will evolve over time according to the community’s consensus.
The core intents and specifications below were approved via Optimism Fractal’s consensus processes and can be updated by using the consensus process defined below. You can learn about previous versions and proposals to change this document in the historical notes at the bottom of this page.
Table of Contents
- Core Intents
- 1. Respect Game meetings
- 2. Respect Game
- 3. Respect
- 4. Respect Distribution
- 5. Consensus process
- 5. Parent Respect token
- 6. Executive contract
- Key Links
- Historical Notes
Core Intents
Optimism Fractal is a community dedicated to fostering collaboration, awarding public good creators, and optimizing governance on the Superchain.
1. Respect Game meetings
- Respect Game meetings happen biweekly;
- At the start of the meeting participants are randomly distributed into break-out groups of 3 to 6 people. Each break-out group plays Respect game, which lasts for 45 minutes;
2. Respect Game
- Each participant of the group is given up to 4 minutes to present their contributions. Their presentation should answer the following question: "What did I do to grow Optimism over the past two weeks?"
- After everyone has had time to present, the group tries to reach consensus on rankings of contributions;
- The participant who has contributed the most gets Level 6, the second biggest contributor gets level 5 and so on;
3. Respect
- Respect is a non-transferable token representing respect (an opinion) that a community (in this case Optimism Fractal) has on a particular account;
- Respect is not a property that can by owned by anyone (or anything) and no participating party owns Respect;
4. Respect Distribution
- Respect should be distributed to participants of each break-out group which was able to reach consensus:
- Level 6 receives 55 Respect;
- Level 5 receives 34 Respect;
- Level 4 receives 21 Respect;
- Level 3 receives 13 Respect;
- Level 2 receives 8 Respect;
- Level 1 receives 5 Respect;
5. Consensus process
- Every two weeks, during Respect Game meeting, a poll is created for participants to register to take part in the consensus process of Optimism Fractal over the next two weeks. This is "registration poll". Participants can register throughout the entire two weeks;
- Top 6 Parent Respect earners out of those who registered in the previous registration constitute a "council" for the current period;
- A new council is activated at the start of a Respect Game meeting. Respect distribution at that moment is used to determine the council;
- If fewer than 6 participants have registered, then council is smaller (consists only of those who registered);
- A proposal is said to be passed by Optimism Fractal if at least 2/3rds of council members signal approval for it;
- Proposals passed by the council can:
- Signal opinion of Optimism Fractal community;
- Make changes to the rules of Optimism Fractal (i.e.: rules expressed here);
- Select software implementation of Optimism Fractal (i.e.: implementation of rules defined here - smart contract deployment, official frontends, etc);
- Blacklist break-out group results;
- Make changes to the current Respect distribution (burn existing or mint additional Respect);
- Optimism Fractal does not have any control or any other kind of power over any participating parties;
5. Parent Respect token
- Respect token deployed as the following contract on Optmimism Mainnet is "Parent Respect" of Optimism Fractal: 0x53C9E3a44B08E7ECF3E8882996A500eb06c0C5CC;
6. Executive contract
- Executive contract is an onchain smart contract selected by consensus process to execute onchain actions necessary to distribute Respect and implement the will expressed by the consensus process.
- Executive contract can be changed by the consensus process at any time;
Key Links
- You can find a tutorial and more details about the Respect Game in this article.
- We play the Respect Game with an intuitive app called Fractalgram, which you can learn about in this article.
- Explore the Navbar and Resources at the top of the page for more key links.
Historical Notes
There have been a few changes to the core intents and specifications above since Optimism Fractal started in October, 2023. An overview of these changes to our intents are provided below.
- The initial version was created by the Optimystics team before the first Optimism Fractal event.
- The Optimystics team made the first change in January 2024 via the legacy consensus process before the end of Optimism Fractal’s bootstrap phase. The main change at this time was the addition of the community consensus process defined above. You can learn more about this by exploring the article about our council and watching the videos linked in the article.
- This Optimism Fractal Council approved a proposal to update Optimism Fractal’s core intents in June, 2024. This proposal added optimizing governance to the intents and clarified Optimism as the Superchain. The proposal was approved by the community via the consensus process defined above. You can watch a related video and learn more about this change here.
- The Optimism Fractal Council approved a proposal to move to ORDAO smart contracts and change our intents in November, 2024. This provided the community (composed of 65 people who participated in our first four seasons) with a decentralized consensus process to execute onchain actions necessary to distribute Respect and implement the will expressed by the community in any other kind of onchain action.
- The Optimism Fractal Council approved a proposal to transition to biweekly events and a second proposal update core intents in December 2024. The changes to core intents modified our event cadence, refined our core intent statement, and enhanced our contribution prompt to emphasize ecosystem growth. This evolution reflects our community's growth and strategic focus on serving the expanding Superchain ecosystem while maintaining vibrant community engagement.
You can find previous versions of this document here and create or review proposals to change this document in the Optimism Fractal snapshot space.