Currently its off
I think its mostly likely a good idea to open this because this could help make it easier for AI (or others) to search it and there’s doesn’t seem to be much to lose by doing so
then i could add to the instructions of the custom GPT model that
- could help make it easier for AI (or others) to search it
- using this with AI could be very powerful. then i could add the suggestion to search the notion address for more detailed answers in the instructions for the Optimism Fractal GPT
- we want to share all the info there far and wide and this will help us do that
try adding something like this also search this notion page and the notion pages within it to provide the best possible answer https://edencreators.notion.site/OptimismFractal-com-c238e1244229466ba8b7753b74104b6f?pvs=4
- potentially maybe there could be some privacy concerns with ai seeing all this data, but really i think the potential upside is much higher because we want to make the information more accessible and
Could enable this on the root page to improve SEO

Other strategies
- could also
Add Optimism Fractal notion workspace file to Optimism Fractal GPT to Create Optimism Fractal GPT, but search engine indexing is easier and may create more updated results
- this seems to be a very good idea and might make it not necessary to use notion exports