- Promote Eden Fractal
- Promote Optimism
- Encourage participants to record videos
- Explain where videos are published
- Introduce topic of Town Hall
- Explain the timing that we’ll end before the top of the hour
- Include starter guide or welcome guide
so there's some other ideas that we added on there, and these are things that we can add to the checklist. So some of the things to add to the checklist was that, one, I can encourage everybody to record their breakout rooms. That's one of the value propositions that we're providing. And we have the weekly Contribution Notion database, so we have a great way that people can promote their work and have it recorded. So I need to remember to do that. That should be my checklist of my presentation, things to say. And that should also be in the guide to play to, we should basically make like an easy quick start guide or a starter kit guide.
we should basically make like an easy quick start guide or a starter kit guide. We'll figure out the best thing to call it that we can send to people. And I can also include that in my presentation every week to just say, and here's the website you can go, Rosemary can share the link in the Zoom chat while we do that.