This page represents feedback about Optimism Fractal and the Respect Game. This page is work in progress and we work on updating it soon with more feedback. You can see a project aiming to improve this feedback page here and for the live page on the website. Enjoy!
Table of Contents
Selected Feedback
Name | Event | Platform | Date | Season | Feedback subject | Bio |
Interview | October 2, 2024 | Season 4 | CommunityPraiseRespect Game | Founder of Kingfisher’s Media and Cofounder of Let’s Grow DAO | ||
X | September 18, 2024 | Season 4 | Respect Game | Founder of Ztalent Music Agency and ZAO Fractal | ||
OF 38 | Optimism Fractal event | August 22, 2024 | Season 4 | Respect GameModeCollabs | Head of Developer Relationships at Mode | |
OF 35 | Optimism Fractal event | July 18, 2024 | Season 3 | Respect GameCommunityOptimism Gov | Optimism Grants Councillor and Top 100 OP Delegate | |
OF 31 | Optimism Fractal event | June 20, 2024 | Season 3 | Respect GameCommunity | Governance Research Lead, Blockful | |
OF 25 | Optimism Fractal event | May 9, 2024 | Season 3 | Respect GameCommunityPraiseCollabsMode | Head of Growth at Mode Network | |
X | December 11, 2023 | Season 1 | Respect GameCommunityPraiseOptimism Gov | Cofounder of Advantage Blockchain and Top 100 OP Delegate | ||
OF 40 | XFarcaster | September 5, 2024 | Season 4 | Hats Protocol IntegrationRespect GamePraise | Web3, Creator of Engagement.Vision and Roles and Reputation (funded by Optimism Grants Council) | |
OF 37 | X | August 13, 2024 | Season 4 | Respect GameCommunityPraise | Full Stack Developer, Delegate, and Creator of Fractalgram Web App | |
Respect GameOptimism Fractal EventsOptimystics Tools | Founder of Ztalent Music Agency and ZAO Fractal | |||||
OF 11 | Optimism Fractal eventHackmd | January 15, 2024 | Season 2 | Optimism Fractal Season 1 RetrospectiveRespect Game | Project Manager, PSE (Privacy + Scaling Explorations, Ethereum Foundation funded) | |
OF 7 | Luma | December 4, 2023 | Season 1 | Full Stack Developer, RaidGuild | ||
Farcaster | February 26, 2024 | Season 2 | Respect GamePraiseCommunityOptimism Gov | Cofounder of Advantage Blockchain and top 100 delegate | ||
OF 10 | Farcaster | Season 2 | Respect GameCommunityPraise | Full Stack Developer with RaidGuild | ||
OF 10 | Farcaster | Season 2 | Respect GameCommunityPraise | Project Manager, PSE (Privacy + Scaling Explorations, Ethereum Foundation funded) | ||
Full Stack Developer, Optimism Delegate, and Creator of Fractalgram App | ||||||
Member of Optimism Developer Advisory Board and Full Stack Developer at ScopeLift | ||||||
Head of Developer Relations at Base, member of Optimism Developer Advisory Board | ||||||
Optimism Fractal eventOptimism Town Hall event | June 27, 2024 | Respect GameCommunityOptimism GovPraise | Optimism Code of Conduct Council Member | |||
OF 9 | Optimism Fractal event | December 18, 2023 | Season 1 | Respect Game | Builder at SourceCred and Founder of PlaceCred |
Name | Feedback | Event | Platform | Date | Season | Feedback subject | Featured? | Review? | OP Delegated | URL |
If you are active in the Optimism Superchain then stop on by to share what you’ve been working on and learn what others have been doing! It’s a great time to reflect on the week with incredible people. | X | October 3, 2024 | Season 4 | PraiseCommunity | ||||||
“That's a good place to meet and make your contribution and receive your reward. The Optimism Fractal Community is amazing, and I feel great about it. This is my view on Optimism Fractal: it's my weekly accountability group session that holds me responsible for what I'm producing, either for that community or for other communities. As you said earlier in the program, we have all these little connections, and we're stitching them together. I like to think of it like a patchwork quilt, where each of us is a singular patch, and we're stitching and sewing them all together. At the end of the day, we're going to produce this very beautiful, massive quilt. With that being said, we get to showcase our work, which is awesome. We get to hold each other accountable for our work, and then, as you mentioned, we're evaluated by our peer group on the quality of our work or the time we spent doing it. We get rewarded with Respect, a token which I think is another little activation in your brain, a synapse of building confidence. So yeah, that's how I like to think of Optimism Fractal. I'm there as often as I can. Sometimes I have commitments in my in-person life that prevent me from being there, but I enjoy the time I spend there very much. It's really cool what they've built, and like you said, Hats Tree - they have their own Hats protocol in there. I think I've claimed almost every single hat that I'm eligible for, so my Hats Tree is expanding.” | Interview | October 2, 2024 | Season 4 | CommunityPraiseRespect Game | ||||||
need to jump, thank you very much for hosting this, see you soon! 😊 | Retro Pitches | December 4, 2023 | Season 1 | Praise | 5.184M OP | |||||
This is one of the most bullish pieces of web 3 I’m excited about. Fractal governance through gamification is super exciting and I’m glad we at @ZAOMUSIC are building a fractal game to progressively decentralize voting power within our community! | X | September 18, 2024 | Season 4 | Respect Game | ||||||
This was a great event and thanks for having @letsgrowdao, congratulations on your win also. Love those agreements modules on your hats tree. | OF 41 | FarcasterOptimism Town Hall event | September 12, 2024 | Season 4 | Let's GROWCommunity | |||||
Hello everyone! I’m excited to join the Optimism Fractal community. Looking forward to learning, collaborating, and growing with all of you. Let’s make the most of this opportunity and build something great together! Pura vida! Thank you for the warm welcome, you all made me feel at home! I look forward to seeing what’s new soon. Greetings to everyone! | OF 41 | Optimism Fractal event | September 12, 2024 | Season 4 | Community | |||||
This fractal thing is really something. All communities that adopted this protocol are flourishing. Even despite lack of funding. | OF 41 | Optimism Fractal eventTelegram | September 12, 2024 | Season 4 | Respect GameCommunity | |||||
So great to be here. Just went through the respect game site, it’s cool, so apparently I joined the game yesterday in the breakout room and played without knowing 😆 So it’s sort of like a consensus game where the players come to a consensus on who the winner is 🤔 a game where the players are both the players and the umpires. | OF 40 | DiscordOptimism Fractal event | September 6, 2024 | Season 4 | CommunityPraise | |||||
6:33 Kassy expresses gratitude about how welcoming the onboarding process to join the meeting was from a user’s perspective. She noticed that Dan was advertising the Optimism Fractal event that Rosmari helped to design, then clicked on it, signed up very easily, and was able to join. She aims and hopes to become more active in the Optimism Fractal community. 7:31 Kassy introduces her work at the Upscale Fractal community, also an Eden member from Dan Larimer’s project. She feels like there are a lot of synchronicities between what Dan Singjoy has done with Optimism and what they’re doing and the ability to join together really inspires her. She’s a huge fan on Dan Singjoy and expresses excitement about the wonderful experience and energy to be around and to collaborate with. She hasn’t seen this special quality in many people and she’d like to help promote it in anyway she can. | OF 40 | Optimism Fractal event | September 5, 2024 | Season 4 | CommunityWelcomingPraise | |||||
Had a great time at today’s @optimismfractal event. Progress is being made to make the fractal event more autonomous. @dansingjoy and I worked over the weekend to set up @hatsprotocol tree for the organization and gated a CharmVerse page behind a Hat! Exciting stuff! If you’re looking for an uplifting community where you can share your positive contributions to @optimism, then this is a great place to be and you should come to next week’s meeting! | OF 40 | XFarcaster | September 5, 2024 | Season 4 | Hats Protocol IntegrationRespect GamePraise | |||||
1:00:27 Suede gives feedback about the Respect Game saying it was fun and that he enjoyed meeting the people in his room | OF 40 | Optimism Fractal event | September 5, 2024 | Season 4 | Respect Game | |||||
1:00:38 Patrick introduces himself and gives feedback that he enjoyed the Respect Game experience | OF 40 | Optimism Fractal event | September 5, 2024 | Season 4 | Respect Game | |||||
13:03 Howard states he’s excited to get back into coding and introduces himself. He shares feedback that he’s happy to be in the community | OF 40 | Optimism Fractal event | September 5, 2024 | Season 4 | Community | |||||
1:12:25 Jason gives thoughts on extra time Optimism Town hall provides. | OF 39 | Optimism Town Hall event | August 29, 2024 | Season 4 | Recommendations | |||||
35:55 Howard gives feedback about the Respect Game and shares that he was a little nervous because of the idea of breakout rooms at first, however he found it nice. He said it feels good to get back out in the crypto community. Howard mentioned he'd love to help out the Optimism Fractal community, collaborate, and learn more about Optimism. | OF 39 | Optimism Fractal event | August 29, 2024 | Season 4 | Respect Game | |||||
That's awesome. You've already helped me so much and I've only joined for like 40 minutes! Thank you for the information, the guidance, and everything! | OF 38 | Optimism Fractal event | August 22, 2024 | Season 4 | Respect GameModeCollabs | |||||
1:49:31 Rosmari reflects on the deeper spiritual significance of accountability within the respect game framework. | OF 37 | Optimism Fractal event | August 15, 2024 | Season 4 | Respect Game | |||||
1:55:32 Dan shares an anecdote about Jordan Peterson discussing fractal governance processes in a podcast. | OF 37 | Optimism Fractal event | August 15, 2024 | Season 4 | ||||||
1:18:02 Jason gives his thoughts on information clarity, usefulness of the Respect game. 1:44:14 Jason proposes exploring ways to reward and incentivize accountability and redemptive actions. | OF 37 | Optimism Fractal event | August 15, 2024 | Season 4 | Recommendations | |||||
1:41:48 Nuno brings up the importance of accountability in the respect game, speaking from personal experience playing the Respect Game with friends in real life. He shares that he noticed that the word 'accountability' is absent on the OptimismFractal website and believes that the Respect Game helps exactly with this - to solve disputes as well as coordinate. Accountability represents the daily operations of governance and he believes it's in the essence of the Respect Game | OF 37 | Optimism Fractal event | August 15, 2024 | Season 4 | Recommendations | |||||
Speaking about Optimism Fractal at a Conference | Local DAO Summer 2024 | External event | August 14, 2024 | Season 4 | Public Speaking | |||||
This is my favorite group for positivity and staying in the know with the crypto / Optimism space. Join us! | OF 37 | X | August 13, 2024 | Season 4 | Respect GameCommunityPraise | 700 OP | ||||
58:57 Jason gives feedback about the experience in his breakout room - it went awesome, great to learn about Hats Protocol 1:31:02 Jason shares his thoughts on Optimism and Optimism Fractal as a good starting place and a long way there! | OF 36 | Optimism Fractal event | July 25, 2024 | Season 3 | ||||||
1:10:09 Zaal shares his story, his biggest interest has always been is creating ways to vote digitally. He feels that joining Optimism fractal community gave him one of the first perspectives about consistency and value. Zaal is inspired to start a similar community which gives artists an opportunity to create | OF 36 | Optimism Fractal event | July 25, 2024 | Season 3 | Respect Game | |||||
1:20:53 Seth shares that the SourceCred community has been having weekly meetings to emotionally support each other, which have been weirdly transformative. That's one interesting possibility that he's tracking and it’s cool to hear about the experience and dynamics of Optimism fractal meetings too. He says that Optimism Fractal is doing ground work and it's awesome! | OF 36 | Optimism Fractal event | July 25, 2024 | Season 3 | Respect GameCommunity | |||||
Thank you, everyone. It was very interesting and enriching. I love how you conduct the meeting and present everyone’s progress. I have learned a lot and hope to contribute more soon | OF 36 | Optimism Fractal event | July 25, 2024 | Season 3 | Respect Game | |||||
18:35 Jason feels that Fractally is creating value for education and the future. Explains the need to add value production in any community. | OF 35 | Optimism Fractal event | July 18, 2024 | Season 3 | ||||||
48:49 Jesse gives feedback on his experience as a first-time attendee saying that the 5 minute timer is good as it helps people to keep it concise and it's nice to hear from everybody else on what they're doing in the Optimism community. He mentions that most of the things that he's involved with in Optimism sprouted from many conversations and chats with the Optimism community, so he thinks that this is super important. | OF 35 | Optimism Fractal event | July 18, 2024 | Season 3 | Respect GameCommunityOptimism Gov | 172.2K OP | ||||
Nice to meet everyone! | OF 33 | Optimism Fractal event | July 4, 2024 | Season 3 | Community | |||||
8:21 Pascal introduces himself, he’s a Fractal alumni and a proponent of fractal communities. He is looking around the Optimism community and sees a lot of value here. Pascal gives a brief feedback | OF 33 | Optimism Fractal event | July 4, 2024 | Season 3 | Community | |||||
56:09 Snar gives feedback sharing he is excited to check it all out, what Optimism Fractal is doing is cutting edge | OF 32 | Optimism Fractal event | June 27, 2024 | Season 3 | Respect Game | |||||
29:28 Tadas shares feedback on social consensus games like the Respect Game, noting it's a largely unexplored space and believes it can be powerful to have fun while making meaningful decisions. | OF 31 | Optimism Fractal event | June 20, 2024 | Season 3 | Respect Game | |||||
It's a very cool initiative. It's a very good app. The Respect Game is full of potential, like the mechanics and the community that we are building here. I think we can keep improving this to make it even better for us. | OF 31 | Optimism Fractal event | June 20, 2024 | Season 3 | Respect GameCommunity | |||||
Joshua praised Eden Fractal, the longest-running fractal, where many tools and processes of fractal governance saw significant experimentation from fractal pioneers. A group of Eden Fractal enthusiasts later formed a team called the Optimystics, who founded Optimism Fractal. | June 12, 2024 | PraiseCommunityEden Fractal | ||||||||
56:35 Dan shares his reflections, appreciates everyone’s contributions and support, and believes the Respect game can empower all communities. He comments on the need to grow and convey the benefits. Dan gives details on what he feels can help Optimism Fractal grow and spread the fractal process. He shares thoughts on the best way to strategize | OF 29 | Optimism Town Hall event | June 6, 2024 | Season 3 | Respect GameRecommendations | |||||
47:52 Zaal comments that it would be cool to give a different kind of respect to help grow their brand. | OF 29 | Optimism Town Hall event | June 6, 2024 | Season 3 | Recommendations | |||||
45:12 Abraham shares his reflections on Optimism Fractal, noting refinements in the process and varying levels of participation. He thinks they are on a good path and offers to help if needed. | OF 29 | Optimism Town Hall event | June 6, 2024 | Season 3 | Respect GameCommunityOptimism GovOptimism Fractal | 700 OP | ||||
41:09 Rosmari presents her thoughts on reflections of Optimism Fractal and Town Hall, encouraging community feedback. She suggests discussing this as the community chooses, possibly in rounds. 53:14 Rosmari shares her reflections, thinking they are going in the right direction, and considers ways to improve promotions and increase participation. She thinks about Base Play and opportunities. | OF 29 | Optimism Town Hall event | June 6, 2024 | Season 3 | ||||||
1:17:28 Jason comments on the amazing amount of development | OF 27 | Optimism Town Hall event | May 23, 2024 | Season 3 | ||||||
Zaal shares his excitement about Optimism Fractal and Eden Fractal events | X | May 22, 2024 | Season 3 | Praise | ||||||
Introducing OPTOPICS | OF 26 | Optimism Fractal eventOptimism Town Hall event | May 16, 2024 | Season 3 | CagendasAnnouncement | |||||
1:25:03 Gene expresses appreciation for the Optimism Fractal team's work, eager to participate further. The meeting concludes, with Abraham and Gene inspired by the discussions and efforts. | OF 26 | Optimism Fractal eventOptimism Town Hall event | May 16, 2024 | Season 3 | Respect GameOptimism Gov | |||||
What you guys are doing here, this is the most beautiful seedling portion of community building and what makes these amazing protocols and these tools and ecosystems in web3.. Really nurturing each other, sharing what you build, and then my opinion or my thoughts on this Respect Game is incredible because it creates this subtle accountability from week to week, as well as excitement because you want to grow with your peers and impress them. In web3, in this remote industry that we are in, so much of us are just on our computers and in our rooms. So much of putting your heart and soul into something is just simply being seen and simply being recognized for what you're passionate about building, and that is missing across the space. That very simple recognition gets lost in these Telegram and Discord channels. So the fact that something like this exists where builders can come together and showcase and feel appreciated and grow together is really really powerful. So I'm happy to be here. I'm very curious about the origin stories. Rosemary shared the white paper here to learn more because I would love to support this initiative, reproduce it, spread the word, all of it because I think it's just really important. So I appreciate the time you guys have put in and work and the care that you spend on this. I'm just really really happy to be here. It's been a great first session and I look forward to more that I can attend. I'm super super slammed, but this is important. You can't really ignore the roots. So anyway, thank you so much. | OF 25 | Optimism Fractal event | May 9, 2024 | Season 3 | Respect GameCommunityPraiseCollabsMode | |||||
Min-Si-Wang shared feedback at 45:08, she’s observing and mentioned she likes the Fractal app as it makes things easier. She shared that working on the app is important with onboarding people who may have questions, such as why are we pushing onchain, etc. to hopefully guide new joiners throughout the process | OF 25 | Optimism Fractal event | May 9, 2024 | Season 3 | Respect GameRecommendations | |||||
I just looked at last meeting held by the Optimism Fractal, you guys are doing pretty good! | Telegram | May 8, 2024 | Season 3 | CommunityPraise | ||||||
great learning call for anyone looking to get more active in OP Optimism ecosystem | Farcaster | April 18, 2024 | Season 2 | CommunityPraiseOptimism Gov | 64.54K OP | |||||
1:20:57 Zaal expresses excitement about the Optimism Fractal’s progress made | OF 24 | Optimism Fractal event | April 18, 2024 | Season 2 | ||||||
1:17:12 Joe expresses appreciation for the thorough explanation and mentions he’ll review the information about Optimism | OF 24 | Optimism Fractal event | April 18, 2024 | Season 2 | ||||||
47:34 Jake gives feedback and expresses his enthusiasm for the optimism ecosystem's culture and driving forces, Jake introduces himself to remainder of group. Met Dan in Denver, thanks Dan for introducing him to Optimism Fractal. | OF 24 | Optimism Fractal event | April 18, 2024 | Season 2 | Respect Game | |||||
10:17 Jason discusses his Crypt Oasis Meetup familiarizing people with decentralized technologies. He shares feedback that people who join Optimism Fractal events are positive and interesting and joins to support the end of the Season 2 | OF 24 | Optimism Fractal event | April 18, 2024 | Season 2 | ||||||
Proposal for The IC-Fractal application is meant to provide a sufficiently decentralized platform on which the Optimism Fractal community can run the Respect Game, distribute Respect Tokens, and propose and vote on community topics all in one place. | OF 23 | Hackmd | April 10, 2024 | Season 2 | ICFractal Product Requirement DocumentRespect GameOptimystics ToolsDevelopment | |||||
7:06 Jason shares his thoughts on the importance of Optimism, learning, and spreading joy through exploratory education | OF 23 | Optimism Fractal event | April 11, 2024 | Season 2 | ||||||
I watched one of your videos. Very interesting project! | Farcaster | April 6, 2024 | Season 2 | Praise | ||||||
It’s a pleasure to have been here | Optimism Town Hall event | April 4, 2024 | Season 2 | Optimism GovPraise | 1.178M OP | |||||
1:12:13 Will states that optimism fractal is a third of his core working groups. Hopes to be more of an active contributor of this working group | OF 22 | Optimism Fractal event | April 4, 2024 | Season 2 | ||||||
1:01:01 Pup shares feedback saying it’s a great way to build community and to meet other developers and its a great networking space | OF 21 | Optimism Fractal event | March 28, 2024 | Season 2 | Respect Game | |||||
1:00:40 Jesus share positive feedback, had good experience, Optimism Fractal is great | OF 21 | Optimism Fractal event | March 28, 2024 | Season 2 | Respect Game | |||||
53:23 Jimi says he’s confused about the voting process due to jet lag but appreciates the iterative nature of the weekly meetings | OF 21 | Optimism Fractal event | March 28, 2024 | Season 2 | Respect Game | |||||
57:00 Nestor provides positive feedback on the integration of the Respect game and fractalgram tool, expressing curiosity about the potential integration with the Ethereum Attestation Service and contributing to its development on Optimism | OF 20 | Optimism Fractal event | March 21, 2024 | Season 2 | Respect Game | |||||
Nice work optimists! | Farcaster | March 13, 2024 | Season 2 | PraiseOptimism Gov | 64.54K OP | |||||
Have you heard of @OptimismFractal We have a meeting tomorrow and you can meet other awesome optimism builders there! | X | March 6, 2024 | Season 2 | Community | ||||||
great onchain game session today playing the respect game with the @optimystics team! this sharp team is helping to spread /education , collaboration & coordination within the @optimism ecosystem! thanks again! | Farcaster | February 26, 2024 | Season 2 | Respect GamePraiseCommunityOptimism Gov | 64.54K OP | |||||
At 52:40 Gabriel gives feedback on his first time playing the Respect Game. He mentions that he is getting used to it as a first time playing but enjoys it a lot. He notes that it's a good way to see how everyone is evolving and seeing who is contributing more. He thinks it's a good idea and a good initiative. | OF 17 | Optimism Fractal event | February 26, 2024 | Season 2 | Respect Game | |||||
Tadas presents OPF Tree as a proposal for a plan to grow Optimism Fractal. He mentions that if implemented, this plan could initiate a process that would be repeatable every season (albeit modifications to this algorithm are expected, especially at the beginning of every season). | OF 16 | Optimism Fractal eventNotion article | February 19, 2024 | Season 2 | OPF Tree | |||||
1:24:14 Alex emphasizes sharing work in breakout rooms is crucial and should be published | OF 15 | Optimism Fractal event | February 12, 2024 | Season 2 | Respect Game | |||||
1:12:49 Hodlon proposes capturing ideas about Optimism Fractal’s vision and mission in Notion and crafting a proposal from them. | OF 15 | Optimism Fractal event | February 12, 2024 | Season 2 | Recommendations | |||||
Feedback by Nuno was shared during the event at 46:40 where he expresses enthusiasm and big interest to play more community games | OF 13 | Optimism Fractal event | January 29, 2024 | Season 2 | Respect Game | |||||
Feedback by Nuno was shared during the event at 50:20 where he felt happy about attending Eden Fractal for the first time, while he also expressed interest in collaborating more with the Optimystics team. Later at 1:00:40 Nuno gives feedback on Rosmari’s Fractalgram demo which showed how to run the tool during voting in breakout rooms. Nuno was enthusiastic about actually how clear and simple the tool is. | OF 12 | Optimism Fractal event | January 22, 2024 | Season 2 | RecommendationsTools | |||||
Tadas shares Optimistic Respect-based Executive Contract (OREC) article | OF 11 | Optimism Fractal eventNotion article | January 15, 2024 | Season 2 | OREC | |||||
Season 1 Retrospective Article | OF 11 | Optimism Fractal eventHackmd | January 15, 2024 | Season 2 | Optimism Fractal Season 1 RetrospectiveRespect Game | |||||
1:16:23 Hodlon suggests structuring 1 hour for the Respect Game activity itself, then optionally having extra time afterward for more open-ended discussions. Giving people choice to opt in of out of extra time. Likes Dans notion site with tasks and project lists. | OF 11 | Optimism Fractal event | January 15, 2024 | Season 2 | RecommendationsRespect Game | |||||
57:44 Vlad great to meet optimism community members | OF 11 | Optimism Fractal event | January 15, 2024 | Season 2 | ||||||
Feedback by Christina was shared during the event at 56:32. Christina mentioned that the meeting was very sweet, she sees why people like to come back | OF 11 | Optimism Fractal event | January 15, 2024 | Season 2 | Respect Game | |||||
Bullish on Optimism Fractal! | X | January 11, 2024 | Season 2 | |||||||
As a general thought, I’m personally interested in exploring mechanics where we could bootstrap project from 0–1–10 going from an idea where people contribute to a PoC or MVP where people can get onboarded in. Usually this process is un- or underfunded for acceptable reasons, but it also leaves the initiatives on the people that can incur the opportunity cost. It would be impressive if we could establish an elephant path where initiatives get rewarded respect regardless of its success, but on effort, and that respect recipients earn some retro-active rewards for efforts taken. This would reduce the opportunity cost, incentivise experimentation and accountability and simply provide more opportunities to more people. The lightweight and simple process of the respect game could very well fit that purpose. At the end of a season, some matching funds could be made available to retro-actively reward respect earners. | Discord | January 4, 2024 | Season 2 | ToolsRecommendationsRespect Game | ||||||
Let’s look at Optimism Fractal, a group that meets weekly to play experimental consensus games. The event is currently hosted by Optimystics and is open to anybody who wants to attend 🧵 1/ | OF 10 | Farcaster | Season 2 | Respect GameCommunityPraise | ||||||
It’s fun! Bunch of people from all over the ecosystem sharing progress. The evaluation and reward system is really slick for all the tech involved and the people are nice. It’s like an hour of positivity on Monday, the day that deserves it the most :) | OF 10 | Farcaster | Season 2 | Respect GameCommunityPraise | ||||||
Feedback by Loring was shared during the event at 1:04:07. Loring enjoyed the process and hearing from new people, would come back again. He may consider integrating Respect Game into Shutter community. | OF 10 | Optimism Fractal event | January 8, 2024 | Season 2 | Respect Game | |||||
Love this. I have only been an active participant but can’t wait to be a contributor soon enough! | X | December 19, 2023 | Season 1 | |||||||
Just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge some other builders in the space. Sometimes, it’s so easy to get caught up in the constant daily obstacles faced when building in an emergent technology. 🤔 I joined an event yesterday on short notice with ~9 ppl. Unsure of what to expect, I was pleasantly reminded of how many brilliant and well-intentioned people there are in web3. Cheers to @DanSingjoy, @nftgamerweb3, @RosmariDigital for putting together a community initiative for others to share their past week of work in web3! 🙏 | OF 9 | XOptimism Fractal event | December 19, 2023 | Season 1 | Respect GameCommunity | |||||
It’s a really cool experience. I think that it actually was a very efficient way to share work and also allowed people to get very granular and talk about small contributions that would probably fall through the cracks in another tool because you're not going to maybe say "Oh I did this small little thing" in text or something. I thought it was cool to get some social interaction in there and get to know people at the same time. That's also efficient because you're kind of doing that in parallel and I don't think it interfered with the ranking. I thought the ranking made sense, the whole flow worked well, and yeah, psyched to see what you're building. | OF 9 | Optimism Fractal event | December 18, 2023 | Season 1 | Respect Game | |||||
Feedback by Dilara was shared during the event at 1:00:39. Dilara found the respect game a relaxed way to connect and plans to share the experience with her community. | OF 9 | Optimism Fractal event | December 18, 2023 | Season 1 | Respect Game | |||||
Awesome initiative! Great way to get more participation onchain. | Optimism Discourse | December 11, 2023 | Season 1 | CommunityPraiseOptimism Gov | 64.54K OP | |||||
Just learned about the onchain game of building respect on optimism. Super cool concept from @OptimismFractal! Thanks for leading and allowing us to collaborate! Shouts out @DanSingjoy @RosmariDigital @xHodlon @optimystics_ looking forward to the future! 🚀💪💯 | X | December 11, 2023 | Season 1 | Respect GameCommunityPraiseOptimism Gov | 64.54K OP | |||||
Feedback by Marc was shared during the event at 1:03:19. Marc shares first impressions on Optimism Fractal as being awesome, appreciates the great content and organization | OF 8 | Optimism Fractal event | December 11, 2023 | Season 1 | Respect GameOptimism Gov | 64.54K OP | ||||
Feedback by Alex was shared during the event at 1:02:22. Alex shares first impressions on Optimism Fractal as a great space where people can get to know each other openly and in a comfort builder focused space | OF 8 | Optimism Fractal event | December 11, 2023 | Season 1 | Respect Game | |||||
Feedback by Jason was shared during the event at 1:05:00. Jason shares thoughts on Optimism Fractal about being a great breakthrough | OF 8 | Optimism Fractal event | December 11, 2023 | Season 1 | Respect Game | |||||
Keep it up! Loving the experiment thus far | OF 7 | Luma | December 4, 2023 | Season 1 | ||||||
A Great Initiative and an amazing experience | OF 7Retro Pitches | Luma | December 4, 2023 | Season 1 | Praise | |||||
50:35 Abraham shares positive reactions to the Respect Game and the potential of crypto | OF 6 | Optimism Fractal event | November 27, 2023 | Season 1 | Respect Game | 700 OP | ||||
11:15 Gudasol shares about development work he's doing and wanting to learn more about Optimism, offers availability as a resource for grants and collaboration | OF 6 | Optimism Fractal event | November 27, 2023 | Season 1 | Collabs | |||||
42:04 Bitbeckers comments on the voting process as smooth. He find it interesting that the group needs to coordinate and appreciates the tools integration—having people vote on Telegram, create a transaction, and put it onchain without copying a single string | OF 6 | Optimism Fractal event | November 27, 2023 | Season 1 | ||||||
50:04 Hodlon gives feedback of his first Optimism Fractal meeting about how great it is and appreciates the welcoming efforts | OF 2 | Optimism Fractal event | November 23, 2023 | Season 1 | Respect Game | |||||
14:00 Jason shares his thoughts on governance, optimism, coming together, and more. Shares support for optimism and fractally processes, optimise the outcome and appreciation for fractal DAOs | OF 2 | Optimism Fractal event | November 23, 2023 | Season 1 | Community | |||||
42:09 Joe shares he has been getting familiar with Optimism Fractal through Twitter and likes the focus on public goods | OF 2 | Optimism Fractal event | November 23, 2023 | Season 1 | ||||||
Cool, this is my first time playing the Respect Game and I'm so happy to meet this community and to see what people are working on. I'm seeing some really cool stuff and I thought independently that this would be the right way in the future to do money. I don't want to get too into it right now, but let me just say I'm super excited to be in this stream of thought that you guys have over here! | ||||||||||
Feedback on Optimism Fractal Respect Game (mission proposal) | ||||||||||
Great primer on @hatsprotocol, it’s use cases, and how it’s being used by @optimystics_ | ||||||||||
@OptimismFractal is a community dedicated to fostering collaboration, awarding public good creators, and optimizing governance on the Optimism Superchain. Respect Game Respect game is a meeting of gathering where people in the community come together to" / X | ||||||||||
FractalDEN Summary: 🌻Optimism Retro Season 🔊 Watch the entire video interview below. | Promotion | |||||||||
Community Video about ORDAO Software | Interview | |||||||||
The Optimism superchain has a growing digital community. Optimystics are building the future. brick by brick | ||||||||||
1:23:07 Gene compliments Dan's presentation and superb knowledge about Optimism. Gene thanks everyone and gives feedback that he’s enjoying Optimism Fractal. | Optimism Fractal eventOptimism Town Hall event | June 27, 2024 | Respect GameCommunityOptimism GovPraise | |||||||
Super grateful for the amazing feedback on the Respect Game from @zaal, a highly respected Optimism Fractal community member and the founder of /zao, a fractal community for musicians that’s already rocked 20+ events playing the beloved Respect Game! It feels incredible to inspire whole communities, indirectly help with their governance processes, and so much more… More to come! 🌻🎶 | ||||||||||
The respect game is a blast and I think more communities should adopt the model! Awesome to be part of op fractal again yesterday for the first time in 2-3 months! So many cool opensource tools being built | Respect GameOptimism Fractal EventsOptimystics Tools |
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