6:33 Kassy expresses gratitude about how welcoming the onboarding process to join the meeting was from a user’s perspective. She noticed that Dan was advertising the Optimism Fractal event that Rosmari helped to design, then clicked on it, signed up very easily, and was able to join. She aims and hopes to become more active in the Optimism Fractal community.
7:31 Kassy introduces her work at the Upscale Fractal community, also an Eden member from Dan Larimer’s project. She feels like there are a lot of synchronicities between what Dan Singjoy has done with Optimism and what they’re doing and the ability to join together really inspires her. She’s a huge fan on Dan Singjoy and expresses excitement about the wonderful experience and energy to be around and to collaborate with. She hasn’t seen this special quality in many people and she’d like to help promote it in anyway she can.