About this project
- I created a page at Optimism Fractal Feedback Notion Page and recently added it to the bottom of the notion homepage for
Optimism Fractal
- This page is intended to curate feedback about Optimism Fractal and the Respect Game. It only includes a small amount of the feedback we’ve received so far and we plan to add more over time
- It’s messy now and needs work. When it is more cleaned up then it might be nice to feature on a testimonials page to help promote Optimism Fractal
Project tasks
Not started
Consider creating a feedback form that makes it easy for people to provide feedback and put it
Consider creating a feedback form that makes it easy for people to provide feedback and put it
Update the automated luma emails and provide better follow-up message that provides opportunity for participants to give feedback
Update the automated luma emails and provide better follow-up message that provides opportunity for participants to give feedback
Consider if a collaborations page should be separate from a feedback page- I think it probably should be
Consider if a collaborations page should be separate from a feedback page- I think it probably should be
Consider awards and incentives for people who provide feedback
Add attabotty feedback from OF 48 and zaal to feedback page
Add attabotty feedback from OF 48 and zaal to feedback page
Dan Singjoy
July 29, 2024
In progress
Consider adding feedback form and reviews/testimonials to the Optimism Fractal website
Consider adding feedback form and reviews/testimonials to the Optimism Fractal website
organize Optimism Fractal Feedback Notion Page into a database: Feedback about Optimism Fractal
On Pause