Eden Fractal Topic
Hey everyone,
I hope you’re having a great week and are excited for this week’s events!
We don’t have the tools to play the Respect Game on Base yet, so we can have an open discussion thats builds on the ideas and topics from our last meeting. For example, we can discuss our plans Epoch 2, software development updates, and updates from community members. Whether you want to dive deeper into these topics or explore new ideas, this is a great opportunity to shape our journey together, learn the best ways to grow communities, and help optimize collective decision-making throughout society.
As always we’ll meet for Optimism Fractal and Optimism Town Hall on Thursday, where you can play the Respect Game, collaborate with builders, and learn about the Superchain. You’re welcome to join all three events on the Optimystics Calendar. I hope to see you there and look forward to hearing your thoughts!
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Gm everyone, I hope you’re having a great day and are excited for this week’s events!
For this week’s Optimism Town Hall I created a topic proposal to play an OPTOPICS collaborative agenda game. This allows you to proposal any topics related to Optimism and vote on topics at any time, so feel free to suggest a topic on the Snapshot space if there’s something you’d like to discuss.
I’m also planning to re-propose some of the topics that we didn’t have time to discuss last week in the coming days. Looking forward to seeing you at the events and hearing your thoughts!
I’m pleased to announce that the Optimism Town Hall snapshot space is now verified by Snapshot Labs, which means that the issue from last week has been resolved and our daily topic proposal limit has been increased from 3 to 20. There’s also a monthly limit of 100 proposals and the space has a nice a nice little checkmark now. I don’t think that we’ll need to propose that many topics in the near future but this does enable some creative types of Cagendas games that we can explore, such as voting on questions or faster paced discussions :)
Thank you for sharing all the great thoughts, these are very helpful ideas and I really appreciate the feedback. Your messages here inspired me to write a lot of notes over the past weeks and it’s been taking me a while to organize them while also dealing with a lot of other tasks. I’ll refine the notes as soon as possible and look forward to hearing more of your thoughts!
By the way, I did add the word ‘accountability’ to Optimystics.io and added a new section about accountability in the Respect Game article. You’re completely right about this and I didn’t realize just how helpful the Respect Game is for accountability until you mentioned it. Thank you very much :)
Welcome CryptoFede, thank you for following up and asking about this :)
By the way, you might also be interested in joining or referring developers to the Optimism Foundation Builders Office Hours, Superchain Demo Day, or Office Hours (on Discord). Each of these events provide unique value for builders and I forgot to mention them at the Optimism Town Hall last week
Welcome LuckyOne, thank you for introducing yourself and sharing your work. I watched a couple of your science videos last week and really enjoyed them, I’m looking forward to watching more and seeing your animations about blockchain!
Thank you for your interest in collaborating and contributing as well. We are very open to collaboration- in fact, one of the core intents of Optimism Fractal is to foster collaboration. One of our other core intents is to award public goods creators on Optimism, such as video creators who make educational content about the Superchain.
The best way to start collaborating with us is to join our weekly events on Thursdays at 17 UTC. At each event we play an onchain social game called the Respect Game, which provides opportunities to meet collaborators, learn about Optimism, and share however you’re contributing to the Superchain then be recognized for your work.
I hope to see you there sometime if you can attend and look forward to collaborating with you. At some point I’d love to make educational animations about the Respect Game as well and your skills would be much appreciated for this, so perhaps that’s something we could discuss at some point as well
Snapshot Poll
Upvote to play an OPTOPICS Cagendas game at this week’s Optimism Town Hall!
The game rules are below and you can learn more at Optimystics.io/OPTOPICS. There are three main actions that you can take while playing OPTOPICS: propose topics, vote on topics, and switch topics.
Propose Topics
Create a poll in the Optimism Town Hall snapshot space at any time to propose a topic. Feel free to propose anything related to Optimism.
Tip: When creating a topic proposal you can set the Voting Type to Weighted Voting, then set two poll options to Upvote and Abstain. This isn’t necessary, but provides greater ability for everyone to weigh their preferences while voting for topics.
Vote on Topics
Vote on topics with Respect to help set the agenda. The topic with the most votes will be discussed until the group decides to switch topics. Feel free to change your vote at any time.
Switch Topics
OPTOPICS features an optimistic topic transition system that allows anyone to influence the discussion as the game progresses and help move the group to the next topic. Here’s how it works:
- Next Topic: Type ‘next topic’ in the zoom chat to propose moving to the next topic. This starts a one-minute countdown.
- Same Topic: Type ‘same topic’ within one minute to veto the change. If vetoed, neither person can propose to switch or veto again for the current topic.
- New Topic: If over half of well respected community members agree (each with at least 50 Respect), any topic can be introduced and discussed immediately.
Feel free to propose any topics related to Optimism. I also plan to follow up with a few topic proposal in the coming days. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and seeing you at the events!