Exciting news: Optimism Fractal now has a Hats Tree and Charmverse space!
Me and Jacob Homanics are participating in the Hats Protocol Hatathon and we've launched a great MVP, but we need some help from a few Optimism Fractal community members in order to qualify to win. So far we’ve created a basic Hats Tree that enables anyone who has earned Respect at Optimism Fractal weekly events to claim a Rookie Hat, which grants access to the Optimism Fractal charmverse space and a new networking page for builders. The Hats Tree also enables anyone who has earned over 50 Respect and read the tutorial article about fractalgram to claim a Respect Game Leader hat, which signifies that you can lead a breakout room at weekly events.
The Hatathon has a requirement that at least 5 people must mint the hats in order for us to win a prize and the competition is nearly over. If you have earned Respect at Optimism Fractal events then please claim the Rookie Hat to help us win the competition and enhance our integrations with Hats Protocol. You can claim the Rookie Hat by clicking here then connecting your wallet and clicking the ‘claim hat’ button near the right side of the screen. If you’d like to signify that you’re ready to host a breakout room for the Respect Game then you can also claim the Rising Star, Fractalgram Certification, and Respect Game Leader hats as well. You can also join this chat to learn more and participate in our discussions with the founders of Hats Protocol.
This is an important first step towards many more powerful integrations between Optimism Fractal and Hats Protocol. Huge thanks to Jacob for all the amazing work building the Hats Tree and all the support from the Haberdasher Labs team! 🙌🏽 🙏🏽