What do you think about /optimismfractal and the potential for it’s processes of fractal democracy to be more deeply integrated within Optimism Collective?
By the way, thank you very much for your support in voting for me as an Optimism Grants Councilor in the past two seasons. I’ve appreciated reading your posts about DAOs and governance over the past year and am curious if you’ve had the chance to look into Optimism Fractal
Just thought if he gives an opening you might be able to get his opinion on the idea. Your just asking what he thinks of optimism fractal but what if you asked what he thinks of optimism fractal and the potential for deeper integration within optimism collective
What do you think about /optimismfractal and the processes of fractal democracy that it is pioneering?
By the way, thank you very much for your support in voting for me as an Optimism Grants Councilor in the past two seasons. I’ve appreciated reading your posts about DAOs and governance over the past year and am curious if you’ve had the chance to look into Optimism Fractal
Naturalisation councils — polynya