The Respect Game app is envisioned as a streamlined gaming app that makes it really fun and easy for people the Respect Game. This app will provide a lighter experience that makes it easier to start playing in a wider variety of contexts, even if they don’t yet have a community with whom they wish to play with at weekly event. The Respect Game app will allow anyone to play with anyone at any time. All players should be able to issue their own Respect, which can then be used in the Fractal App with advanced decision-making functionality in the future if they’d like. This app can also may makes it easier for people to play fun variations of the Respect Game.
Over the past few months, we’ve been scoping and designing an application that makes it easy for communities to play the Respect Game and coordinate their governance with fractal decision-making processes. As we’ve been exploring features and designs for these apps, I’ve realized that that there is likely a need for two different apps: a Respect Game app and a Fractal app. Both of these apps are intended to make it easy for anyone to play the Respect Game, but they differentiate in their focus. We’ve started coordinating the development of both of these apps here and in another project to Build Optimism Fractal App. You can see a comparison of these projects in Migrate tasks from Optimystics project to build Respect Game and Fractal Apps to public Optimism Fractal Notion Site
Next Steps
You can explore several tasks below that are related to the development of this application. Much of the work on these projects is currently in an internal Optimystics database and will be shared in the public Optimism Fractal projects as soon as possible, as you can see in this task. One of the main things that we’ve been working on over the past few months is building the Optimism Fractal notion site to foster a collaborative community-driven approach to the development of Optimism Fractal. With this development strategy we’re aiming to inspire many people to contribute to the development of Optimism Fractal apps. Stay tuned for more details coming soon and feel free to help contribute however you’d like :)