
Hi Eric, good to connect with you too. Thank you for the overview and sorry for the long delay, I needed to attend to personal matters over the past couple weeks and will make sure to respond much quicker in the future. I agree that Livepeer Studio can provide video storage and streaming solutions for the tool that we’re building and I see many benefits in integrating with Livepeer.
Currently my main goals are to grow the Optimism Fractal community while providing great experiences, build a web app that makes it really fun and easy for anyone to play the Respect Game, and develop tooling that helps coordinate collective decision-making with Respect. I’m also working to onboard several large communities that want to implement the Respect Game and exploring integrations with various protocols to make our upcoming app as useful as possible.
My team is aiming to release a web app next month that will enable anyone to easily play the Respect Game alongside zoom, other video conferencing apps, or at in person events. In the next few months we’re also planning to integrate WebRTC video conferencing functionality directly into the next version of the app, which will allow people to meet in provably randomized breakout rooms and play the game onchain all in one place. The video conferencing solution will likely work with tooling like Agora or a custom solution built by members of our community, though we’re mostly focused on delivering the first version of the web app now and haven’t scoped out all the technical design choices for the next version yet.
I’m planning to test Livepeer Studio with some videos of our past events in the coming weeks and am excited to try it out. In the coming months I’d like to integrate Livepeer Studio into our app as you described so anyone that uses the app can easily store, process, and livestream their videos of each game/event with the benefits of Livepeer. I started writing a list of questions about integrating with Livepeer, but I figure that it’s probably best for me to try Livepeer Studio first to get a feel for it before asking too much and follow up more after testing it. I’m looking forward to diving more deeply into Livepeer after our team completes the first version of the app that makes it easier for anyone to play the Respect Game.
I also spoke a bit with Alex last month about how my team (Optimystics) can help Livepeer in many other ways, such as implementing the Respect Game to foster collaborations, attract contributors, evaluate contributions, and help coordinate decentralized governance in the Livepeer network. I see many potential synergies and am looking forward to exploring how we can best work together. I love what you’re doing with Livepeer and am excited to help however I can.
I hope this helps answer your question and helps you better understand my current goals. I’d be happy to provide more details about any of this and/or connect with you others in our community if you’d like. Of course you and everyone in the Livepeer community are also very welcome to join our weekly events at Optimism Fractal. Please feel free to let me know if you have other questions. Thank you!
could be integrated into the
I started writing a list of questions about Livepeer last week and plan to ask them after I get a chance.
fun for anyone to play the Respect Game, and
that we’re building and