This project aims to plan and launch Season 3 of Optimism Fractal. The main objectives include launching the Optimism Town Hall, implementing Cagendas, and positioning Optimism Fractal to help lead Optimism Collective governance. The plan also involves organizing and reading reviews of RetroFunding design and shaping future rounds. This tasks below aim to summarize the research and facilitate discussions, engagement, and decision-making within the Optimism Fractal community and the Optimism Collective.
There are many tasks below that you can explore to learn more about the project and contribute to it’s development. You can also see related projects further below at the bottom of the page.
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After a spirited Respect Game we introduce Optimism Town Hall and Cagendas, a community agenda game for prioritizing topics, deliberating key issues, and forming consensus to benefit the Optimism Collective 🍎 ⏱️ 💫
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OF 23: Optimism Fractal Seasons
How can a seasonal structure help communities thrive? Following a rhythmic Respect Game we explore heliotropic ideas to align Optimism Fractal seasons with Retro Funding rounds 🌻 🔴 🌞
OF 22: Retro Funding Optimism Fractal
How can Optimism Fractal help you earn Retro Funding? We measure each other’s impact in the Collective, then help public goods creators to profit by growing Optimism and contributing to Optimism Fractal 🧑🏽🌾 📏 🔴