Table of Contents
- Cagendas image
- Cagendas and Town Hall image
- Story for the image
- Specifics and Notes
- Town Hall Artwork
- Cagendas Artwork
- Cagendas Logo
Cagendas image
Cagendas and Town Hall image
without the OP moon
Story for the image
- An image showing some mountains, the optimism city around and nature with a fairly big blue sky where ‘Cagendas’ is written
- On the field there is the town hall building and cagendas which is illustrated with a C and the hands of the clock coming out from that C, perhaps some trees and nature around
- The town hall needs an optimism branding
- The Cagendas needs an image to illustrate it such as the clock with the hands. Does the clock has to form a C or is that just for the logo idea?
- Maybe we can add some juggling balls which are shown as respect apples and seem that the Sunny flower is juggling with them
- He’s holding a scroll saying Topic 1, Topic 2, as well as a clock from OF 18
- Sunflowers around
- Might add the sages and the eth logo. the sages to chill around the eth logo
Tip: OF 13 and OF 14 are beautiful so remixing it might save time
town hall, cagendas and the sunny are the main 3 elements. The fourth element is the city which is in the background
for the C and cagendas i can use the same colour orange and red and make the clock the same colour or white
Specifics and Notes
Town Hall Artwork
- This building is very nice for the Optimism Town Hall
- How can we best add to the picture to make it more about Optimism?
- Consider adding:
- RetroPGF Sunny in the sky
- Some nice blue sky, clouds, or stars
- Sunflowers and sunny flower around the building
- Perhaps behind the building too
- Mountains behind the building (like in OF 15-17)
- The Optimism City
- Other Optimism imagery like OP moon and Pheonix
- Snapshot lightning bolt
- Sages Council
- Maybe it would make sense to include the town hall in the Optimism City?

Create Artwork for Optimism Town Hall
Cagendas Artwork
- This one is nice because it’s like sunny flower is growing from the clock
- I think something like this is good enough for now, but it is worth considering how it could be improved and if some other kind of story or imagery might be better
Cagendas Logo
- It may be good to make a general logo for cagendas
- We don’t need to brand cagendas right now, but it would be great to do so since it’s one of our core products and
- How would this logo look?