About this project
This project aims to integrate Optimism Fractal and the Respect Game with RetroFunding, focusing on design, EVM development, ideation, mechanism design, systems design, and technical development. More details will be added soon.

Related Projects
Engage in Optimism Collective Season 6
Research and Strategize to provide Optimism Collective with the most value possible
Not started
Review - Project and individual identity in the Collective | Optimism Docs
Explore and Create Integrations with Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS)
Build app component to make it easy for participants to give personal respect at the end of each gameImplement contributor funding in the Optimism CollectiveResearch and Strategize to provide Optimism Collective with the most value possibleImprove Processes for Impact Measurement and Evaluation in the Optimism CollectiveCreate Auxiliary Respect Tokens for Optimism Collective (ie OPC)Create RetroPGF UI to sort applicants by Respect
Integrate Optimism Fractal and the Respect Game with RetroFunding
Create tools and processes to track and prioritize projects and tasks for Optimism FractalExplore and consider integrating structured systems for collaborative project development
Review - Project and individual identity in the Collective | Optimism Docs
Read Retro Funding 4: Impact Metrics, a Collective Experiment - Retro Funding π΄ - Optimism Collective
Integrate Optimism Fractal and the Respect Game with RetroFunding
Consider pioneering Impact Juries for the Optimism Collective
Integrate Optimism Fractal into the Optimism CollectiveEngage with Optimism Collective leadershipCreate Auxiliary Respect Tokens for Optimism Collective (ie OPC)
Help the Optimism Collective with Deliberative Processes and Impact JuriesSubmit Respect and Respect Votes as Impact Metrics for Open Source Observer(OSO)
Read Retro Funding 4: Impact Metrics, a Collective Experiment - Retro Funding π΄ - Optimism Collective
[DRAFT PROPOSAL]: Moving to a Grants Council - Technical Proposals π / Reflection Period Proposal - Optimism Collective
[DRAFT PROPOSAL]: Moving to a Grants Council - Technical Proposals π / Reflection Period Proposal - Optimism Collective
Consider a design implementation of respect trees where community mints a new Respect1155 for OF or Retro Funding projects
Consider a design implementation of respect trees where community mints a new Respect1155 for OF or Retro Funding projects
Create RetroPGF UI to sort applicants by RespectSubmit Respect and Respect Votes as Impact Metrics for Open Source Observer(OSO)
Integrate Optimism Fractal and the Respect Game with RetroFundingExplore and implement subround, subfractals, targeted respect games or quests for different goals Develop Respect Trees
Develop Optimism Fractalβs Consensus Processes
Consider enhancing retro funding with DeVouch and Respect : Leveraging Trust Networks for better Capital Allocation | Jun, 2024 | Giveth
Dan Singjoy
Consider enhancing retro funding with DeVouch and Respect : Leveraging Trust Networks for better Capital Allocation | Jun, 2024 | Giveth
Read this article for the latest updates about Retro Funding 4: Impact Metrics, a Collective Experiment - Optimism Collective
Dan Singjoy
Read this article for the latest updates about Retro Funding 4: Impact Metrics, a Collective Experiment - Optimism Collective
Research Agora: The onchain governance company. The new product has many helpful features that we may want, including optimistic polling and snapshot integrations. Overall it seems that itβs focused moreso on larger protocols with lots of money like L2s , but it seems simple to test and has large feature set. The snapshot integration might be key and a way to provide alot of value with little work. Try deploying it with no code at agora.xyz then connecting with snapshot to see how it looks
Research Agora: The onchain governance company. The new product has many helpful features that we may want, including optimistic polling and snapshot integrations. Overall it seems that itβs focused moreso on larger protocols with lots of money like L2s , but it seems simple to test and has large feature set. The snapshot integration might be key and a way to provide alot of value with little work. Try deploying it with no code at agora.xyz then connecting with snapshot to see how it looks
Read Retro Funding: Application Review Process - Optimism Collective
Read Retro Funding: Application Review Process - Optimism Collective
Decide the best way to name and brand the concept of voting with Respect
Decide the best way to name and brand the concept of voting with Respect
Create webpages and educational resources about how Optimism Fractal and Respect enhance impact evaluation (OptimismFractal.com/impact?)
Create webpages and educational resources about how Optimism Fractal and Respect enhance impact evaluation (OptimismFractal.com/impact?)
Improve OptimismFractal.com Website (and Create Educational Resources)
Integrate Optimism Fractal and the Respect Game with RetroFunding
Curate Funding Opportunities and Create Educational Content to help Optimism Fractal community members earn funding
Create Educational and Community Resources for the Optimism Collective and Optimism Fractal
Build Optimism Fractal Education HubCreate educational resources and webpages on OptimismFractal.com
Create webpages and educational resources for Optimism Fractal Funding Opportunities (OptimismFractal.com/funding or /earn)
Create webpages and educational resources for Optimism Fractal Funding Opportunities (OptimismFractal.com/funding or /earn)
Improve OptimismFractal.com Website (and Create Educational Resources)
Integrate Optimism Fractal and the Respect Game with RetroFundingBuild Optimism Fractal Development Hub and Create Educational Resources for Builders
Create Educational and Community Resources for the Optimism Collective and Optimism Fractal
Curate Funding Opportunities and Create Educational Content to help Optimism Fractal community members earn funding
Build Optimism Fractal Education HubCreate educational resources and webpages on OptimismFractal.com
Create OptimismFractal.com/funding to show how Optimism Fractal can help people earn RetroFunding and other funding
Create OptimismFractal.com/funding to show how Optimism Fractal can help people earn RetroFunding and other funding
Review Ideas about how Respect Trees (such as OPF Tree) can enable Quests with RetroPGF rewards
Review Ideas about how Respect Trees (such as OPF Tree) can enable Quests with RetroPGF rewards
Explore EasyRetroPGF.xyz and consider building a Respectful UI with it to enable voting with Respect on projects for RetroFunding
Explore EasyRetroPGF.xyz and consider building a Respectful UI with it to enable voting with Respect on projects for RetroFunding
In progress
Develop Heliotropism Branding and Storying Telling Connecting Optimism Fractal Sunnyflower and Optimism Retro Funding Sunny
Develop Heliotropism Branding and Storying Telling Connecting Optimism Fractal Sunnyflower and Optimism Retro Funding Sunny
Curate Funding Opportunities and Create Educational Content to help Optimism Fractal community members earn fundingImprove Processes for Impact Measurement and Evaluation in the Optimism Collective
Create seasonal structure for Optimism FractalImplement contributor funding in the Optimism Collective
Integrate Optimism Fractal and the Respect Game with RetroFunding
Engage in Optimism Collective Season 6Create Optimism Fractal Promotional Strategy
Explore the Optimism Collective's Experiments in Impact Juries and Deliberative Processes for Impact Evaluation
Explore the Optimism Collective's Experiments in Impact Juries and Deliberative Processes for Impact Evaluation
Plan Optimism Fractal Season 3
Engage in Optimism Collective Season 6Engage with Optimism Collective leadershipPlan Optimism Fractal Season 4
Create ways for community members to vote with RespectSubmit Respect and Respect Votes as Impact Metrics for Open Source Observer(OSO)
Integrate Optimism Fractal and the Respect Game with RetroFunding
Message Tadas in Public OF Chat about Respect in OSO , newest thoughts on voting with Respect, and @Abraham exploring API integrations with Notion
Dan Singjoy
Message Tadas in Public OF Chat about Respect in OSO , newest thoughts on voting with Respect, and @Abraham exploring API integrations with Notion
Create Auxiliary Respect Tokens for the Optimism Collective
Create Auxiliary Respect Tokens for the Optimism Collective
Create seasonal structure for Optimism FractalPlan Optimism Fractal Season 3 tttt
Plan Optimism Fractal Season 3Create RetroPGF UI to sort applicants by Respect
Integrate Optimism Fractal and the Respect Game with RetroFundingImprove Processes for Impact Measurement and Evaluation in the Optimism Collective
Create ways for community members to vote with Respect
Develop Cagendas at Optimism Town Hall
Develop Optimism Town HallCreate Auxiliary Respect Tokens for Optimism Collective (ie OPC)
Curate Rationale and Benefits of Plan for Implementing Cagendas in Season 3 of Optimism Fractal
Curate Rationale and Benefits of Plan for Implementing Cagendas in Season 3 of Optimism Fractal
Create seasonal structure for Optimism FractalResearch and Strategize to provide Optimism Collective with the most value possibleEngage with Optimism Collective leadership
Engage in Optimism Collective Season 6
Integrate Optimism Fractal and the Respect Game with RetroFunding
Develop Optimism Town HallPlan Optimism Fractal Season 3 tttt
Plan Optimism Fractal Season 3
Develop Cagendas at Optimism Town Hall
Review response to Pascalβs respect meme in Eden Fractal chat about awards vs rewards, benefits of fractal events, and heavenly savings
Dan Singjoy
Review response to Pascalβs respect meme in Eden Fractal chat about awards vs rewards, benefits of fractal events, and heavenly savings