About this project
- This project aims to explore deeper integrations between Snapshot and Optimism Fractal, focusing on API integrations, ideation, and technical development.
organize the following tasks into subtasks and according to status
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Project tasks
Not started
Research Subspaces on Snapshot for Optimism Fractal Respect Trees
Research Subspaces on Snapshot for Optimism Fractal Respect Trees
Figure out how to See Votes at a Certain Time in Snapshot with Snapshot API and/or The Graph
Figure out how to See Votes at a Certain Time in Snapshot with Snapshot API and/or The Graph
May 3, 2024
Research berry labs mobile app and notifications for snapshot
Research berry labs mobile app and notifications for snapshot
Research Agora: The onchain governance company. The new product has many helpful features that we may want, including optimistic polling and snapshot integrations. Overall it seems that it’s focused moreso on larger protocols with lots of money like L2s , but it seems simple to test and has large feature set. The snapshot integration might be key and a way to provide alot of value with little work. Try deploying it with no code at agora.xyz then connecting with snapshot to see how it looks
Research Agora: The onchain governance company. The new product has many helpful features that we may want, including optimistic polling and snapshot integrations. Overall it seems that it’s focused moreso on larger protocols with lots of money like L2s , but it seems simple to test and has large feature set. The snapshot integration might be key and a way to provide alot of value with little work. Try deploying it with no code at agora.xyz then connecting with snapshot to see how it looks
Explore alternatives to Snapshot
Explore alternatives to Snapshot
Review Methods for Voting with Respect in Notion and Snapshot via the Notion API
Review Methods for Voting with Respect in Notion and Snapshot via the Notion API
Figure out how to automate recurring polls on Snapshot
Figure out how to automate recurring polls on Snapshot
Figure out how to automatically post Snapshot polls on Discord
Figure out how to automatically post Snapshot polls on Discord
Design Cagendas for Optimism Fractal and Optimism Town Hall
Design Cagendas for Optimism Fractal and Optimism Town Hall
Test onchain version of Snapshot.xyz
Test onchain version of Snapshot.xyz
Send Message to Snapshot Discord to ask about desired features
Send Message to Snapshot Discord to ask about desired features
Dan Singjoy
July 31, 2024
Research how you can vote with multiple tokens in a snapshot space
Research how you can vote with multiple tokens in a snapshot space
Watch Videos about Snapshot
Watch Videos about Snapshot
Learn about Custom Voting Strategies and consider creating one
Learn about Custom Voting Strategies and consider creating one
Research Funding and Development Outlook for Snapshot
Research Funding and Development Outlook for Snapshot
Research Default Voting Strategies on Snapshot (ie Ranked Choice Voting)
Research Default Voting Strategies on Snapshot (ie Ranked Choice Voting)
Research automatically recurring polls on Snapshot
Research automatically recurring polls on Snapshot
Compare Snapshot with Tally.xyz, JokeRace.io and others
Compare Snapshot with Tally.xyz, JokeRace.io and others
Explore Custom UI integration for Snapshot
Explore Custom UI integration for Snapshot
Set up Snapshot Subspaces
Set up Snapshot Subspaces
Research Censorship Resistance of Snapshot
Research Censorship Resistance of Snapshot
Research Snapshot formatting and integration with IPFS
Research Snapshot formatting and integration with IPFS
Research using Snapshot for Respect Games as a front-end for Firmament
Research using Snapshot for Respect Games as a front-end for Firmament
Research Web3alert - blockchain notification system
Research Web3alert - blockchain notification system
Research and test snapshot x
Research and test snapshot x
Research Domino Notifications for snapshot and discord notifications, as well as other features of domino.run website
Research Domino Notifications for snapshot and discord notifications, as well as other features of domino.run website
Ask Questions to Snapshot about Improving Front-end and Back-end for OPTOPICS and Cagendas. Consider making a mission proposal to fund this. Also organize notes about DAOHaus, Tally, and JokeRace
Dan Singjoy
Ask Questions to Snapshot about Improving Front-end and Back-end for OPTOPICS and Cagendas. Consider making a mission proposal to fund this. Also organize notes about DAOHaus, Tally, and JokeRace
July 28, 2024
Set up automated discord reminder to register for the council
Set up automated discord reminder to register for the council
June 24, 2024
In progress
Consider Design for UX and flow of notion sending out event via api towards snapshot or tally
Consider Design for UX and flow of notion sending out event via api towards snapshot or tally
Respond to Tadas about OPTOPICS and Optimism Town Hall snapshot spaces
Dan Singjoy
Respond to Tadas about OPTOPICS and Optimism Town Hall snapshot spaces
July 1, 2024
Review and organize notes for integrating notion with snapshot, notion api, snapshot spaces, and custom development
Review and organize notes for integrating notion with snapshot, notion api, snapshot spaces, and custom development
April 24, 2024
Research and Test Snapshot.org
Research and Test Snapshot.org
Troubleshoot and Verify Snapshot Space for Optimism Town Hall
Troubleshoot and Verify Snapshot Space for Optimism Town Hall
Dan Singjoy
July 1, 2024
Create Proposal to Implement Cagendas in Optimism Fractal Season 3
Create Proposal to Implement Cagendas in Optimism Fractal Season 3