consider: could change or merge the background image to include the original spiral time at or Cagendas
Optimism Fractal Planning Game (Cagendas)
- The top topics are proposed each week on Snapshot with ranked choice voting. Alternatively, Jokerace can be used instead of snapshot for this purpose.
- The priority of topics is established at 17 or 18 UTC. Alternatively, voting can be open throughout the whole meeting if the software supports this ability.
- Another snapshot poll (or series of polls) is used to move to the next topic. Ie if 50% of votes say move to the next topic. Or an optimistic variant where something like 10-20% of votes can move to next topic with a 3 minute timer that people can add if they want. Alternatively we could use slido.
Use token weighted
Use weighted voting poll type in snapshot:
Hands raised give priority to more respected community members?
could curate early notes about cagendas and agendas here to as there might be some good ideas from a while ago- link old sites so others can see them
- I just proposed that we organize the planning sessions with game called Cagendas proposal. Social coordination game for choosing topics and agendas.
- Maybe share topic proposals. This is more scalable and dynamic than voting in notion. Another issue with notion voting is the pages/upvotes don’t have an end time like snapshot
- Though we could use notion for this week or near future. it is good enough if i dont have time for this and want to focus more on the mission