About this project
- This project aims to create tools and processes for tracking and prioritizing projects and tasks for Optimism Fractal, allowing participants to create tasks and projects, vote on their priority, and weight priority using Respect.
- We’re developing a Respect Trees to serve this purpose. You can watch videos and learn about Respect Trees in this article.
- Article with videos and more details: https://optimystics.io/respect-trees
- Original article:
- You can see some of our most recent designs and research about this in the following tasks and explore more below:
Project tasks
Not started
Review Methods for Voting with Respect in Notion and Snapshot via the Notion API
Review Methods for Voting with Respect in Notion and Snapshot via the Notion API
Develop OPF Tree V1 and V1.1
Develop OPF Tree V1 and V1.1
Research Subspaces on Snapshot for Optimism Fractal Respect Trees
Research Subspaces on Snapshot for Optimism Fractal Respect Trees
Explore Integrations for Respect Trees with Notion and Github
Explore Integrations for Respect Trees with Notion and Github
Review original article about Respect Trees
Review original article about Respect Trees
Review - Project and individual identity in the Collective | Optimism Docs
Review - Project and individual identity in the Collective | Optimism Docs
Consider proposing KPIs for Optimism Fractal’s core intents
Consider proposing KPIs for Optimism Fractal’s core intents
Dan Singjoy
In progress
Review and organize notes for integrating notion with snapshot, notion api, snapshot spaces, and custom development
Review and organize notes for integrating notion with snapshot, notion api, snapshot spaces, and custom development
April 24, 2024
Research deeper integrations of Appflowy or Charmverse into a Respect Trees, Cagendas app or more comprehensive fractal app
Research deeper integrations of Appflowy or Charmverse into a Respect Trees, Cagendas app or more comprehensive fractal app
Refine article for Respect Trees
Refine article for Respect Trees
Consider Design for UX and flow of notion sending out event via api towards snapshot or tally
Consider Design for UX and flow of notion sending out event via api towards snapshot or tally
Review ChatGPT notes about voting on Notion pages with Respect
Review ChatGPT notes about voting on Notion pages with Respect
OF 16: Introducing OPF Trees
What is the best way to set priorities and evaluate impact? After ranking each other’s contributions, the Optimism Fractal community explores how OPF Trees can coordinate collective decisions and enlighten the review process for RetroFunding 🌱💛💡
In the 16th episode of Optimism Fractal Tadas introduced the newest design for OPF Trees, which uses the soulbound Respect token of Optimism Fractal (OPF) to coordinate priorities and allocate RetroFunding in the Optimism Collective. You can watch Tadas explain the concept of OPF Trees and a fruitful community discussion for 25 minutes starting at 1:00:04.