To Do
Post in Discord Chat
Hey all, welcome to the Fractal App chat!
I’m excited to introduce this new channel dedicated to the collaborative development of a fractal applications. This channel will serve as a central place to coordinate discussions about building a fractal application that helps Optimism Fractal and other communities to play the Respect Game and cooperate with Respect.
Current App and Status
You can learn about the current fractal software at . The tools that we’ve been using for 8 months and have worked well enough so far, but needed improvements
Other ecosystems, software in three platforms
Everyone can also see an overview of some features for a design of a fractal app in this article, though this page hasn’t been updated in the past few months and is not exactly what we’re intending to build right now
Inspiration and PRD
This channel was originally inspired by a discussion between @Hodlon and I during May 26th Optimism Fractal event, as you can see here. Hodlon and @Bitbeckers published a Product Requirement Document (PRD) for a decentralized fractal application last month and we discussed this in the video linked above. They are seeking feedback on the document and we spoke about this in the video linked above. I just organized some of my feedback and feedback from the on this page.
I’ve been working to develop a fractal app with the Optimystics team for the past months and am planning to share our work here in the coming days, as well as feedback for Hodlon and Bitbeckers’ PRD. We’
Tadas’ Optimism Fractal App
For anyone who wants to dive in deeper to last week’s discussion about the next generation Optimism Fractal app and other topics, you can see all the pages that I screenshared during last week’s Optimism Town Hall here.
Abraham’s Building Front-end and Onchain Summer
Collaborative Approach
I aim to foster a collaborative community-driven approach to the development of Optimism Fractal.
Our vision is to have a thriving community of developers and creators working together to build this fractal application and grow the Optimism Fractal ecosystem.
The app is now nearly ready
Well positioned in EVM network effects
Software has been siloed in less active ecosystem for years
Ready for exponential growth and adoption
You can also see the earlier messages about this in the general channel.
The goal of this project is to create a user-friendly platform that combines various tools and features, making it easy for people to participate in the Optimism Fractal community and engage with fractals.
We invite all interested developers, creators, and community members to join the #fractal-app channel and contribute to the project in any way they can
Our vision is to have a thriving community of developers and creators working together to build this fractal application and grow the Optimism Fractal ecosystem. We'll also be exploring ways to fund and support these efforts, to ensure that everyone's contributions are fairly recognized and rewarded.
This channel is intended to help coordinate the development of a Fractal App that Optimism Fractal and other communities can use to play the Respect Game and cooperate with Respect. Feel free to share any thoughts here that are related to developing software to build a fractal app.
This channel will be dedicated to the collaborative development of a comprehensive fractal application,
Hey everyone, We're thrilled to announce the creation of a new channel called "fractal app" in the Optimism Fractal Discord server. This channel will be dedicated to the collaborative development of a comprehensive fractal application, based on a proposal submitted by Hodlon and BitBeckers. The goal of this project is to create a user-friendly platform that combines various tools and features, making it easy for people to participate in the OptimFact community and engage with fractals. We invite all interested developers, creators, and community members to join the #fractal-app channel and contribute to the project in any way they can. Whether you have ideas, skills, or resources to share, your input is valuable. Feel free to contribute at your own pace, and don't hesitate to move the project forward independently if needed. We believe in the power of open-source collaboration and can't wait to see what we'll build together! Join us in the #fractal-app channel and let's create something amazing! Cheers,
Hello everyone,
This channel, currently named "fractal app," will serve as a centralized space for documenting, discussing, and collaborating on the project.
The idea for this application stems from a proposal submitted by Hodlon and BitBeckers, which aims to combine various tools and features, such as running consensus games, creating proposals, and distributing respect tokens, into a single, user-friendly platform. The goal is to make it as easy as possible for people to participate in the OptimFact community and engage with fractals.
We invite all interested developers, creators, and community members to join us in this channel and contribute to the project in whatever way they can. Whether you have ideas, skills, or resources to share, your input is valuable and appreciated. We'll be using this space to share relevant documents, notion pages, and updates on the project's progress.
As we embark on this collaborative journey, we recognize that everyone has their own commitments and schedules. We encourage participants to contribute at their own pace and to not hesitate in moving the project forward independently if needed. The beauty of open-source collaboration is that we can all build upon each other's work and create something greater than the sum of its parts.
Our vision is to have a thriving community of developers and creators working together to build this fractal application and grow the Optimism Fractal ecosystem. We'll also be exploring ways to fund and support these efforts, to ensure that everyone's contributions are fairly recognized and rewarded. Join us in the #fractal-app channel and let's build something amazing together! Cheers, The Optimism Fractal Team
You can watch us discuss plans to build an app for onchain summer at the end of the most recent Optimism Fractal video
foster a collaborative community-driven approach to the development of Optimism Fractal. There’s a variety of projects in the notion site including very detailed projects to integrate with Hats Protocol that I update often with new tasks, ideas, and information. With this project and development strategy I’m aiming to inspire many people to contribute to the development of Optimism Fractal and Hats Protocol.
For context,
Everyone can see about the IC-Fractal App and the plan to coordinate the development of the fractal app in this discussion from last week’s event.
Here is where I started drafting
Funding Opportunities
Optimism Missions, Base Funding Opportunities, RetroFunding, Octant, Gitcoin etc
Share in the new fractal app chat
Announce Developers Hub and share Superchain Console in Optimism Fractal Development Chat
Announce Optimism Fractal Development Hub and share resources in the Development Channel
Provide Feedback on the IC-Fractal App PRD by Hodlon and bitbeckers