- The following databases and notes outline a plan for a seasonal structure for Optimism Fractal that is intended to align with the upcoming rounds of RetroFunding
- You can see more details about this in
Share introductory post and start discussion about Optimism Fractal Seasons in planning session
- Newer calendar: Create Optimystics Seasonal Events Calendar
Table of Contents
- Description
- Database Views
- Optimism Fractal Seasons: Timeline View
- Optimism Fractal Seasons: Calendar View
- Notes
- Considerations
- RetroFunding Details
- Related Notes, Projects, and Tasks
- Further Synergies
Database Views
Optimism Fractal Seasons: Timeline View
- Note: You can click on each season to see some details and we can add more details about each season here over time
Optimism Fractal Seasons: Calendar View
- Note: You can click on each season to see some details and we can add more details about each season here over time
- You can also open the calendar in Notion Calendar and sync it with a Google Calendar
- The timing of each season is important. We may want to consider making each season a bit shorter, so that we can provide more time to encourage making an impact in these categories before the RetroFunding starts. But we also want to make sure that we don’t end the season too early before the end of the RetroFunding round, because we want to be able to promote each category with RetroPitches
- One obvious solution for this is that we can should still encourage contributions to upcoming categories well before the RetroFunding round starts. So during the Onchain Builders season we’ll encourage people to contribute to governance and dev tooling on Optimism (as well as other categories that will likely be announced in the future like education, culture, and events).
- Yes that is a good idea. The timing is still important but this strategy helps a lot too and reduces any pressure to perfect the timing.
- We could set goals or intents that we aim to accomplish for each season. We could use OPF Tree V1.1. or our The Optimism Fractal Council: Scaling Democratic Decision-Making consensus process to coordinate these
- The intents and impact metrics could be aligned with those defined in the current round of RetroFunding
RetroFunding Details
Related Notes, Projects, and Tasks
You can find many more details about RetroFunding and help us curate educational resources in the following pages:
Respond to Hodlon about RetroFunding Categories and Applicants
Create clearly written overview of how contributors to optimism fractal can earn from RetroPGF
Further Synergies
This includes some links with synergies between Optimism Fractal and RetroPGF. More will be added here soon.
Integrate Optimism Fractal and the Respect Game with RetroFunding
Explore synergies between Optimism Fractal and RetroPGF
During last week’s planning session we discussed how Optimism Fractal can help public goods creators earn RetroFunding and how community members can earn RetroFunding by contributing to Optimism Fractal.
We also talked more generally about how RetroFunding rewards public goods creators who make a positive impact in the Optimism Collective. For anyone who missed last week’s meeting and is interested in funding opportunities, you can listen to this discussion here.