To Do
Organize and create pages in notion for funding
- Right now there is project for funding opportunities, but it really should be a featured page in the notion site
Promote Funding Opportunities
Did you know that you can earn funding by helping Optimism Fractal?
The biggest funding opportunity is RetroPGF. The Optimism Collective has allocated 850 OP towards funding public goods and Optimism Fractal is creating many public goods that are aligned with Optimism.
RetroPGF Opportunities
The Optimism Foundation has announced 4 rounds of RetroPGF throughout 2024:
- Onchain Builders: …
- Governance
- …
- ….
Contributions to Optimism Fractal could be eligible for all four categories, though the rounds for Onchain Builders, Governance, and Dev Tooling are most fitting.
How to Earn
- How can we break it down into the simplest instructions possible?
- Keep in mind that 99.9999% of people don’t know what RetroFunding is, and most of the current community doesn’t know exactly how to earn funding.
- Maybe we should make guides for absolute beginners and for people who already know a lot but not everything
- Learn:
- It will take some time to learn the best ways for you to help
- Join weekly events,
- Learn about Optimism and see how you can help.
- Explore notion projects,
- Contribute:
- Choose to start working on projects that interest you
- Joining is a contribution in itself.
- Make an impact:
- Promote your work and earn Respect every week as peers review your work
- Contribute to Optimism Fractal
- Participate in Optimism Town Halls to help lead Optimism Collective Governance for Round 6.
- Help build Optimism Fractal tooling for collective decision making to earn from Round 7
- Help in any other way to be eligble for RetroFunding, airdrops, and upcoming opportunities
- With Impact=Profit, lifetime contributions are rewarded
- Ether’s pheonix and Optimistic vision- link
- Apply for funding
- Apply to RetroFunding,
- Gitcoin, Octant, RetroPGF, Ethereum
- See our guide or page for schedule of opportunities
Create to show how Optimism Fractal can help people earn RetroFunding and other funding
Curate Funding Opportunities and Create Educational Content to help Optimism Fractal community members earn funding
- Join events and read discord to stay on top of latest
- Promote
- Share at RetroPitches and Respect Games
- Network
Respond to Will T in Eden Fractal and Optimism Fractal telegram chats about Let’s Grow Live broadcasts for livestream
How to Make an Impact
No matter what kinds of skills or work you specialize, there is opportunity for everyone to earn from RetroPGF by contributing to Optimism Fractal and making a positive impact. Huge amount of work that can be done and low hanging fruit.
- Earn Respect
- Respect can be used to signal the impact that you’ve created for the collective.
- We’re working towards Respect Trees and RetroPitches combinations to
- Build with Optimism Fractal
- Build software and integrations with Respect Game
- Check out the development hub Development Hub
- Promote Optimism Fractal
- Promote your work in Superchain Builders show
- Participate in events
- Play RetroPitches
How to Apply
onchain builders, governance, and dev tooling
- Create impact for Optimism by helping Optimism Fractal. Join events and see how you can contribute. Pick up a task or project that you think will be impactful and start working to create as much impact as possible before the rounds start in May.
- Create an application that shows the contributions that you created for optimism fractal and how it created impact for the collective in the categories
- Application could be individual or team
- You could apply to earn from RetroPGF as an individual, a team that you create, or a team that you help
- Include both the contribution, impact, and impact metrics
- Feel free to reach out to the Optimystics or other community members for support
Links to rounds and recap video and more
You could be eligible to RetroFunding in May-July if there’s any way that you can create a positive impact for Onchain builders
contributions and impact carry over
Other Opportunities
Missions usually happen every few months. So you could propose a mission or fulfill a mission. If there are any large projects that you have in mind and you need funding in order to do them, then consider starting to draft a mission proposal now so you’ll have it ready by the next season
Add RetroPGF article to post to of discord
There are also many other important projects that need work and I’d be interested to hear if you have other ideas in mind about how you’d like to help. Tadas and Vlad are interesting in collaborating as well, though I think they’re mostly focused on the Respect Game app and Respect Trees so they don’t have much extra bandwidth to do other projects now and we’d all appreciate your help. Overall I think there’s a lot of ‘low hanging fruit’ that we could develop fairly quickly and we’d just need to figure out what fits best with your time and interests. There are also excellent funding opportunities available for doing development for Optimism Fractal (such as RetroFunding) and I’d be happy to help you earn compensation for your work.