About this Project
This project is devoted to improving the visibility of Respect for Optimism Fractal and other communities that implement the Respect Game. It includes an intro video showcasing onchain interactions in a block explorer and visual NFT explorers. There are also two updates from Tadas and a list of related project tasks with more details.
Project tasks
Not started
Watch Intro Video explaining Optimism Fractal Respect Visibility with the Optimystics
Watch Intro Video explaining Optimism Fractal Respect Visibility with the Optimystics
Review rationale and design philosophy for unique token design
Review rationale and design philosophy for unique token design
Review update from Tadas about Blockscout explorer
Review update from Tadas about Blockscout explorer
Research: Ladders.Vision help display respect across networks?
Research: Ladders.Vision help display respect across networks?
Research and consider developing with scaffold.eth to build features and experiences for Optimism Fractal
Research and consider developing with scaffold.eth to build features and experiences for Optimism Fractal
Consider migrating to ERC-1155
Consider migrating to ERC-1155
Test out Manifold.xyz to allow people to give each other Respect in RespectGame.xyz
Test out Manifold.xyz to allow people to give each other Respect in RespectGame.xyz
In progress
Improve representation of Respect on block explorers
Improve representation of Respect on block explorers
Figure out why we can’t see the respect on opensea, zora, looksrare, rainbow.me, and rarible
Figure out why we can’t see the respect on opensea, zora, looksrare, rainbow.me, and rarible
Figure out how to embedding or associating video, promotional, and educational data in Optimism Fractal NTTs
Figure out how to embedding or associating video, promotional, and educational data in Optimism Fractal NTTs
Figure out how we can create an image for the Optimism Fractal
Figure out how we can create an image for the Optimism Fractal
Review, transcribe, format, summarize and parse do to’s from this audio about Optimism Fractal Season 3, Optimism Town Hall, Cagendas and promotional strategies
Review, transcribe, format, summarize and parse do to’s from this audio about Optimism Fractal Season 3, Optimism Town Hall, Cagendas and promotional strategies
Dan Singjoy
July 31, 2024
Organize Plans for Personal Respect, Distributing after Respect Games, Respect Networks, and Synergies with Optimism Fractal
Dan Singjoy
Organize Plans for Personal Respect, Distributing after Respect Games, Respect Networks, and Synergies with Optimism Fractal
August 2, 2024
Organize Research about The Graph, Substreams, and Subgraphs
Organize Research about The Graph, Substreams, and Subgraphs
On Pause
Check out Stack points leaderboard
Check out Stack points leaderboard
Ask Tadas how do we see which rooms/ranks were submitted (so we can double check during the event)?
Ask Tadas how do we see which rooms/ranks were submitted (so we can double check during the event)?
Figure out how to see the Respect Distribution in Optimism Fractal (ie scoreboard, leaderboard)
Figure out how to see the Respect Distribution in Optimism Fractal (ie scoreboard, leaderboard)