Main Questions
- How do we see the rooms in the transaction to make sure that enough people all submitted in their room?
- How do we see the ranks or hash to make sure that each person submitted the same ranks?
Tadas explains this at 1:47
You can see this on a block explorer like etherscan or blockscout if you’d like.
It’s not necessary for us to confirm that everyone’s submission is the same because Tadas (a developer on the Optimystics team) will double check that for us before sending Respect and we’ve never had an issue with differing consensus submissions before. If you want to check this out of curiousity or verify for yourself then you could see the events triggered in each submitted transaction, as you can see explained here. We’re building an app that will automate the process of confirming this and distributing Respect in the near future. We also could have confirmed that we all see the same hash before submitting the transaction yesterday, but that’s optional as well.
Other Questions
- Could this data be automatically displayed in Charmverse or some other front end app to be easily visible and legible?
- See
- This could be helpful to display the amount of Respect points earned on each visual NFT