Update: August 2024
- I just found this note from September, 2023 before the start of Optimism Fractal. I’ll move it to Optimism Fractal site so it’s more accessible and included in the current project as much of it still may be relevant
To Do
- This would provide more clarity about whether it’s cool to post people’s names like we did in the tweets for the first 20 weeks
- This would also help us reach the milestone of 50 videos and enable us to publish videos like during the pitches and speeches games
- If so then these might be helpful
- I think there were interesting insights about this around the time of EF 57
- Perhaps some sort of graph using cignals, so for example people can consent to eden creators posting their videos (or names in tweets) but not consent to some other organization doing so
- Perhaps people sign each time by participating?
Consider asking for help from fractally
Consider asking for help from the Optimism Foundation or Grants Council
Consider who else it may be good to ask for help
- There is a lot of agreement information and well written agreements here that we might be able to use or repurpose
I’m particularly interested in the part about recording videos and sharing on social media. I can promote our work much better when we have clarity that the participants agree to have their work featured on video and social media
I’m also particularly interested in this agreement in general since there are potentially a lot more funds at stake here
Conversation with Tadas
Yes, I agree that we should have a contributor agreement. I think this is important and wrote these notes about it last month, but haven’t had a chance to think about it much since then. Last week I also started writing some disclaimers that may be helpful to include in the agreement.
I suppose we could start the first week or few weeks without an agreement like the Genesis Fractal did. They had a lot more at stake since Dan Larimer’s team was already very wealthy at the time. It would be good to create an agreement before the first meeting if possible, though it’s also worth considering if the agreement would be a big barrier to entry when we’re just getting started and it might be good to make it easier for people to join.
Overall I think it’d be best to have an agreement at the start, but I don’t know if it is feasible to create it this week and it might change in the future, so I think it may be best to start without an agreement and then add to it in the future weeks. However I’d be open to doing it this week if you think it’s a better idea and maybe it’s best to craft a simple agreement now, then we can always update it later and it might not require too much time or effort.
I just added a few more ideas to the notes linked above and will organize this more asap. As always feel free to comment or edit the page. What do you think is best?

Yes, I agree that we should have a contributor agreement. I think this is important and wrote these notes about it last month, but haven’t had a chance to think about it much since then. Last week I also started writing some disclaimers that may be helpful to include in the agreement.
I suppose we could start the first week or few weeks without an agreement like the Genesis Fractal did. They had a lot more at stake since Dan Larimer’s team was already very wealthy at the time. It would be good to create an agreement before the first meeting if possible, though it’s also worth considering if the agreement would be a big barrier to entry when we’re just getting started and it might be good to make it easier for people to join.
Overall I think it’d be best to have an agreement at the start, but I don’t know if it is feasible to create it this week and it might change in the future, so I think it may be best to start without an agreement and then add to it in the future weeks. However I’d be open to doing it this week if you think it’s a better idea and maybe it’s best to craft a simple agreement now, then we can always update it later and it might not require too much time or effort.
I just added a few more ideas to the notes linked above and will organize this more asap. As always feel free to comment or edit the page. What do you think is best?
No, the original Genesis Fractal contributor agreement wasn’t published until March 18th, 2022 as you can see here. I participated in the first genesis fractal meeting on February 27th, which means there was about three weeks of fractal meetings without any agreement in place. Even after a few months in June it still wasn’t required to sign the agreement in order to participate in the meetings, as you can see in the screenshot below:
Ok thank you. I’m curious if this would be any different if the contracts were made immutable or what other solutions may be helpful here

Ok thanks. I’m curious if this would be any different if the contracts were made immutable or what other solutions may be helpful here