Thank you, Peter! I appreciate you sharing the additional information, I have a lot of good memories with Shakhruz from the Genesis Fractal and have been following his work with the Roy Fractal and DoStaTok game over the past year. I don’t understand it all as it’s in a different language but it looks fascinating and I’m looking forward to learning more about what you’re building!
I’m following the Psibase developer chat as well and am looking forward to their upcoming release, but I understand that the project is still in a fairly early state of development and isn’t yet compatible with many programming environments. I’m writing a more detailed response with information about fractal software that may be helpful for you and Shakhruz and will share more with you as soon as possible.
Please feel free to share any other information or questions on your mind that may help us better assist you. You’re welcome to share any thoughts here in this chat or at our weekly events which occur on Wednesdays at 16 UTC and Thursdays at 17 UTC. Thank you for your interest and assistance in programming these profoundly helpful fractal decision-making tools 🙏🏽
Message Shakruz
Welcome @Shakruz! Thank you for joining and inviting Peter to the Eden Fractal chat, I notice that you joined a couple weeks ago and apologize for missing it. I hope that all all is going well for you and your projects. It would be great to catch up sometime and of course you’re very welcome to join Eden Fractal and Optimism Fractal events if you’d like. Feel free to let me know if me know if there’s anything in particular that I can do to help you 😃
Roy Fractal
Roy Fractal is operating in the Uzbekistan with a high level of attendance and participation. Though it is difficult to understand the entirety of the project due to a language barrier, we can see from the founder’s youtube channel that the weekly meetings appear to be attracting over 700 live participants and their videos are each attracting over 500 viewers. Dan Singjoy worked closely with their founder, Shakruz Azirof, during the Genesis Fractal meetings and are in now contact with one of their developers in meetings where we aim to learn more about this initiative.
Follow-up Message
Yes I’m following the Psibase developer chat as well and am looking forward to their upcoming release, but I understand that the project is still in a fairly early state of development and isn’t yet compatible with many programming environments.
The Eden Fractal community built the first set of tools on EOS that enable communities to cooperate with the core fractal consensus process created by Dan Larimer described in You can explore these tools in the Github repositories for our smart contracts and a telegram client called Fractalgram that helps facilitate fractal meetings on Antelope or EVM networks. You can also learn more in this article about Fractalgram and overview of Eden Fractal tools, though this resource is a bit outdated and should be organized better in the future.
We’ve used EOS based tools to conduct over 70 fractal consensus meetings with about a hundred participants over the past two years. Over the past six months Eden Fractal hasn’t used these tools as much as we’ve been focusing more on collaborative research, development, education, gamification, and community engagement in the EVM ecosystem. Eden Fractal supports the development of fractal tooling on all platforms to help implement fractal decision-making processes throughout society. The Antelope and EVM tools created by the Eden Fractal community are open source and freely available.
I did some research into the stacks of programming technologies and languages that interest you and it looks like some of your interests are compatible with the EVM, but Antelope and Psibase may be more aligned with your abilities. You may also be interested in reaching out to the Upscale community, which is now using more advanced version development of an Antelope based fractal app and seeking assistance with development. The app has many helpful features that were designed by Dan Larimer in the ƒractally whitepaper, but I think it is currently closed-source. You can see this article for details about this app.
Message Shakruz
Welcome @Shakruz, thank you for joining and inviting Peter to the Eden Fractal chat. I just noticed that you joined a couple weeks ago and apologize for missing it. I hope that all all is going well for you and your projects. It would be great to catch up sometime, feel free to let me know if me know if there’s anything we can do to help 😃
You’re welcome to join Eden Fractal and/or Optimism Fractal events
If you’re seeking an alternative to Psibase that is ready to use for fractal meetings, I recommend using and building with the EVM based fractal tools that we’ve developed with Optimism Fractal.
The EVM ecosystem has by far the largest network effect for developers, users, and existing development that any fratctc. WorldCoin from Open AI and Base from Coinbase.
The Optimism Superchain provides huge opportunities .
You can learn about our tools by exploring our code repositories, articles about our tools on this page, and the aforementioned development hub.
There are many thousands of talented builders and community leaders in EVM ecosystem and many EVM-based networks are on an exponential growth trajectory with excellent resources for business development. The EVM is the dominant decentralized computing infrastructure and it can attract developers in ways that no other protocols can do.
This kind of collaboration could enable millions of people to learn, practice, and get rewarded for participating in fractal governance on EVM networks, while also serving as an onboarding funnel to help these communities move to Psibase if/when the time is right.
We’re currently building a fractal app and seeking development assistance. All of the EVM tools that we’re built are in and you can learn more about several exciting tools that we’re developing in this overview.
Perhaps a develop in this group like @tadas or @vlad could provide some guidance
You can see the code repository for our EOS smart contracts developed on EOS
The Eden Fractal tools are built on EOS and . I wrote an article about out EOS based tools with a lot of information that you can read here, but I haven’t
You may also be interested in connecting with the Upscale community, which is developing fractal software on Antelope (the same software stack of EOS). Public telgram group

Hello Peter! I trust in God as well. Thanks for joining and sharing your abilities. Feel free to share more about your interests, links to your work, or any questions. I’m curious about how you found the group and how we can best collaborate. I’m coordinating the development of many EVM based tools with Optimism Fractal on this page and would appreciate your help. I’d also be happy to connect you with other developers in the fractal ecosystem, which is building software on three decentralized computing software stacks. Feel free to let me know if there’s anything we can do to help, hope to meet you at an upcoming event :)