This project is devoted towards creating a collaborative site that features builders who participate in Optimism Fractal events, the work that they share during the Respect Game, and any work that they want to share with a broader audience. Optimism Builders is envisioned as a new social media network, collaborative blog, and directory for builders on the Superchain. This project is an early work in progress, though the ideas have been in development for two years and many updates can be added soon.
Town Hall Discussion Topic
Not started
Update Optimism Fractal Contributors Page and Transition it to the Community Networking Site with Hats Protocol
Dan Singjoy
Update Optimism Fractal Contributors Page and Transition it to the Community Networking Site with Hats Protocol
Plan to use notion instead of charmverse at first so we can host it on Optimism Fractal site and synergize with Respect Game promotions
Plan to use notion instead of charmverse at first so we can host it on Optimism Fractal site and synergize with Respect Game promotions
Plan and discuss ideas for Networking Site with Optimism Fractal community
Plan and discuss ideas for Networking Site with Optimism Fractal community
Plan to launch Optimism Fractal Builders page and Review Design Considerations
Plan to launch Optimism Fractal Builders page and Review Design Considerations
Explain the value proposition of the Optimism Builders site
Explain the value proposition of the Optimism Builders site
Consider if we should also create a template for the weekly contribution submission in ‣
Consider if we should also create a template for the weekly contribution submission in Weekly Contributions
Consider creating a template for the Optimism Fractal Builders site to minimize set up time for each profile page
Consider creating a template for the Optimism Fractal Builders site to minimize set up time for each profile page
In progress
Add notes from Eden Builders website plans
Add notes from Eden Builders website plans
Create Topic Proposal to Introduce Optimism Builders at Optimism Town Hall
Create Topic Proposal to Introduce Optimism Builders at Optimism Town Hall
Dan Singjoy
On Pause
Related Projects
Improve Weekly Contributions Page and Workflows
Implement contributor funding in the Optimism Collective
Create System for Recording and Publishing videos of breakout groups