This is an attempt to define a process for:
- Determining a list of projects a fractal needs in a decentralized manner;
- Determining the priority and importance of projects in a list;
- Recognizing contributions to these projects and awarding Respect, based on which contributors to the projects would get rewarded through RetroPGF;
- Getting more fractal experiments
All using existing tools we already have available.
This system would allow people to form teams (sub-fractals) and work on projects and have their contributions recognized by a parent fractal.
1. Determine respected list of projects for OP Fractal
- Pass a proposal for a list of projects for OP Fractal;
- Create a poll where Optimism Fractal participants can spread their Respect-weighted votes on projects in the list. More Respect votes on a project means more priority and importance;
2. Go fractal
People create fractals to implement named projects. These fractals work at least for a period of time until RetroPGF applications open. These fractals distribute their own Respect token as a recognition of contribution to the purpose of a fractal during this season;
3. Evaluate fractals;
- Host a meeting (or meetings) where fractals present their work to Optimism Fractal community;
- Pass a proposal mapping fractals to projects. Multiple fractals can be mapped to the same project and a single fractal can be mapped to multiple projects. Association of a fractal with project means that its work on that project is worth recognition (however small);
- Create a poll where Optimism Fractal participants can spread their Respect-weighted votes on fractals mapped in the 2nd step here;
4. RetroPGF applications
Now is the time to reward contributors to projects. There are couple of options here
The most primitive solution is for a set of people to take care of distribution according to Respect distribution manually.
Each fractal creates a RetroPGF application and deploys splits contract that would distribute rewards based on Respect distribution.
A list could be created for all such applications, where weight for each fractal would be proportional to percentage of Respect-weighted votes received in the “Evaluate Fractals” step.
RetroPGF lists
Splits solution requires someone to take on the responsibility and risks of deploying and managing the splits contract. This solution avoids that and avoids any centralization of funds in general. Funds flow from RetroPGF straight to individual contributors.
- Each individual contributor creates a RetroPGF application.
- Someone creates a RetroPGF list for each fractal, that contains applications of all contributors to a fractal. Each contributor in the list should have a weight proportional to their amount of Respect in that fractal;
- Someone creates a list of fractals. Each fractal gets a weight proportional to the Respect votes it received in step 3.
- Someone flattens a list of Fractals to create a RetroPGF list. So it will be a list of all contributors to any of the fractals. If there are
fractals then weight of an individual contributora
will be determined according to the following formula:
W_a = (W_x * W_xa) + … + (W_1 * W_1a)
* `W_a` is weight of contributor `a` in the final RetroPGF list;
* `W_i` is weight of fractal number `i` in the weighted list of fractals;
* `W_ia` is weight of contributor `a` within the list of fractal `i` (percentage of Respect contributor `a` holds within a fractal `i`).