
Hey everyone! Welcome and thanks for joining the group! 🤠🌻

Wow that sounds amazing, thank you Spencer! 🙌🏽
I really appreciate you taking the time to check out the FractalRespect contract and put together the solidity code for the module. We’ve been aiming to create a kind of configurable, flexible, and granular permission system using Respect earned in recent events for a long time and the Respect eligibility module you described sounds like it could work perfectly.
It also seems like Hats Protocol could make this much more powerful than I previously imagined… I’m curious what you think should be the next steps and excited to try it out!
Thank you Hodlon, I really appreciate how you’ve been helping so far and love what’s going on here too!
Thanks again so much to everyone on the Hats Protocol team for hosting the event at ETH Denver, it was such a pleasure meeting everyone and an awesome experience!
I see many opportunities for collaborations between Hats Protocol and Optimism Fractal and am excited for all that we can do together. To help get this started I’m working on organizing an intro to Optimism Fractal for the Hats community, a project about integrating Hats Protocol into Optimism Fractal, and an overview of some mutual benefits that we can gain by collaborating. I’ll share these here as soon as possible.
Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions about Optimism Fractal or if there’s anything I can do to help. I’m stoked to collaborate with Hats and curious to hear what everyone thinks :)
Of course everyone is also welcome to join Optimism Fractal weekly events on Thursdays, where you can earn Respect for contributions to Hats Protocol. The next event is on March 21st at 17 UTC, which I think is right after the Hats Protocol Town Hall