Presentation at Optimism Fractal 24
Here is a video clip of Jacob’s presentation during Optimism Fractal event 24 where he introduces his work with Roles and Reputations, Scaffold ETH, and other exciting projects. You can hear a brief overview of Roles and Reputations at 26:30 in the following video.
Starting at 25:33 Jake discusses his contributions to the Scaffold ETH 2 repository for web3 dapp development. He talks about his Rep and Roles project for tracking onchain trust, which received an Optimism grant. Jake discusses his work on an NFT project focused on supporting creators, explaining its vision of properly onboarding artists into web3 and providing the benefits of smart contracts and NFTs.
Quick Deployment Demonstrations from Jacob
BuidlGuidl Videos
Reputation Starter Kit
April 26th, Reputation Starter Kit: Jacob Homanics demonstrates the kit that developers can use to implement Reputation Tokens
Scaffold NFT
April 26th, Scaffold NFT: Jacob demonstrates Scaffold NFT, a flexible development tool for deploying NFT applications
Mar 27, 2024, ATX REP: A method to track trust onchain, using ERC1155s, with decentralized distribution & management and permissionless authorities/responsibilities, using Hats Protocol.
Hats Demo
Mar 27, 2024, Hats Demo: A method to track trust onchain, using ERC1155s, with decentralized distribution & management and permissionless authorities/responsibilities, using Hats Protocol.
Mar 27, 2024, Trash NFTs: Jacob Homanics demonstrates an interesting implementation of ERC 404, a new token standard that combines mechanics of ERC20 and ERC721
Curate Videos
- I learned a lot about Roles and Reputations from the BuidlGuild videos and would like to document some of the learnings to make them more easily absorbable. Here are some interesting features:
- The UI header automatically updates with new items based upon the Reputation holdings
- The card, multi-card, mini, and other views are very interesting.
- It’s inspiring to think about how Respect can be displayed in each of these views
- The view of Respect as a card is also quite interesting. The Respect Game can become like a card game, which has been proven quite well in pokemon, magic the gathering, and many other card games
- There are some websites that may be good to screenshot or explore
- Each component of the front-end seems high configurable
Consider implementing ERC 404 Token Standard for Respect
- Research and consider developing with scaffold.eth to build features and experiences for Optimism Fractal