Respond to SudoFerraz.eth from Armitage labs
Thanks for reaching out
I checked out the website and it looks very interesting
You’re welcome to join Optimism Fractal
Seth has joined Optimism Fractal
https://armitage.xyz seems like it can be very helpful to facilitate github open source development for optimism fractal once we attract more developers. This kind of objective measurement can complement respect given at the Respect Games and other subjective value measurement mechanisms
I just created a project about this in along with some and will encourage community Organize project in Optimism Fractal for Integrating with Intersubjective Measurement Systems such as SourceCred (and Armitage)
Review Armitage.xyz
https://armitage.xyz seems like it can be very helpful to facilitate github open source development for optimism fractal once we attract more developers. This kind of objective measurement can complement respect given at the Respect Games and other subjective value measurement mechanisms