DAO Spring now changed their time to 2 hours earlier
Thank you very much, I started filling out the form and just responded to the organizer in the telegram chat that you created.
However, I realized that the DAO Spring events are mostly scheduled at the same time as Optimism Fractal events. So we’d need to figure out if there’s a way to coordinate the schedules in a way that makes sense…
Yes I’m sure we can figure out a way to make a smooth workshop that involves the participants if we can make the timing work and figure out something that works for both communities
Thank you, that’s very informative!
Hmmm… how about the participants in the workshop split up into fractal breakout groups and play the Respect Game? :D
On a more serious note, I think a questions would be about how the game would be designed like when we would play it and what would be the prompt that players would answer then rank contributions towards.
One idea is to invite DAO Spring community members to Optimism Fractal events where we play the Respect Game to measure contributions to Optimism. This offer is always open to everyone in the DAO Spring community and is likely very aligned with their goals because we’re pioneering very helpful tools for coordinating decentralized, autonomous organizations and Optimism is an excellent network for DAO enthusiasts.
Another idea is to organize a Respect Game event with a prompt that is more specifically catered or designed by the DAO Spring community. For example, the prompt of the game could be “What did you do to contribute to decentralized governance this spring?” or “Why are you passionate about autonomy?” or “What are the best ways to build a DAO?” Then the participants could rank each other’s responses.
I see a lot of value in both ideas and would be happy to help facilitate both options. I just asked the organizer what kind of activity he’d like to do with the Respect Game and it’d also be good to speak with other DAO Spring community members about this sometime as well
By the way, I remember that you were interested in composing the Respect Game with Hats Protocol to coordinate organizations. You may also be interested to join this chat with that we started with the founders of Hats Protocol, I think there are some very exciting collaborations emerging there…
Nuno and a couple other people in the Optimism Fractal community suggested that it would be amazing to do a workshop around the Respect Game at DAO Spring. I think it’s a great idea and am curious what you think, as well as if there’s any way to coordinate the schedules.
One idea is that we could coordinate a DAO Spring workshop session around the Respect Game at an Optimism Fractal weekly event. We play the Respect Game on Thursdays between 5-6pm UTC and I’d be happy to lead a session for DAO Spring in this way. I’m not sure how the DAO Spring sessions will be structured, but would be happy to accommodate your structure however I can (for example, if you wanted to speak before and/or after the workshop at an Optimism Fractal event). Perhaps we could also do some co-promotion and explore other collaborative synergies as well. Alternatively we could see if a Respect Game workshop might fit in the first couple weeks, figure out another time to schedule a session, or save the idea for another time.
What do you think…. Would you like to have a Respect Game workshop at DAO Spring and are you interested in the idea of having a DAO Spring session at an Optimism Fractal weekly event? Or do you have any other ideas about how we can best collaborate?
I have some exciting ideas about how we can use Respect to collectively choose topics and allocate discussion time be happy to
In the message to peth on telegram I suggested two potential ways that we could coordinate our schedules.
One option is inviting the DAO Spring community to an Optimism Fractal weekly event where we play the Respect Game to measure contributions to Optimism like we always do. A second option is to merge or reorient the Planning Session to be a DAO Spring session for a week, where we could play a different kind of Respect Game that’s aligned with the goals of DAO Spring. For example, the prompt of the game could be “What did you do to advance decentralized governance this spring?” or “Why are you passionate about autonomous consensus building?” or “What are the best ways to build a DAO?” then the participants could rank each participants responses.
There are also options of using different times or doing the workshop in the next couple week’s during Optimism Fractal’s spring break as well, but these are the two options I see that that most clearly work within the existing structure of both events. Thoughts?
Fill out Form?
- This is the link that peth sent:
- Actually ask first since they’re at the same time at Optimism Fractal
I was planning to do the following dates, but then I realized that each of the events is at the same time as Optimism Fractal

Growing communities, evaluating impact, and coordinating collective decision-making with the Respect Game. Details at and

Thank you for thinking of us and mentioning Optimism Fractal and the Respect Game to the organizer. I really appreciate the invitation and introduction! :)
I’d love to participate and do a workshop at DAO Spring. I’ve learned a lot from following DAOcember since Hodlon shared it during the first few weeks of Optimism Fractal. I’ve also spoken a bit with peth, who I think is one of the main organizers of the DAOcember and does a lot of great work with MetaGame
How do you recommend that we proceed to do a workshop? Should I fill out the form on the website to be a mentor or should we contact with the main organizer?
I’m curious to learn more about this structure with sessions, workshops, and challenges over the eight weeks. I checked the DAO Spring website but don’t see many details provided…
Do you think it would be an participatory workshop where attendees play the Respect Game? Would the workshop occur on zoom or another platform?
Awesome! How are you participating?
I agree, it could be amazing. I’m not totally sure how it would work yet though and would like more details. If it’s an interactive workshop with many participants then it might be helpful to plan how Optimism Fractal could lead breakout rooms. We’re also working on a new app that will make it easier to play the Respect Game than Fractalgram and planning to release it soon, so there might be an opportunity to demo it there as well depending on the timing
and reading the telegram chat and would love to get involved with DAO Spring
I’m familiar with DAOcember and