About this project
Create Optimism Town Hall
Consider the Best Platform for RetroPGF Pitch Games
- Host the shows on restream and twitter spaces
- Live stream to the Optimystics and Eden Creators channels
- Also live stream to Dans Party if it’s simple enough
- Route the Twitter Spaces into the
- I might need to use the emulator thing or ica4 but i think that twitter spaces now is supported on desktop
- They are allowed to join the stage if:
- They’re a citizen
- They’re a delegate
- They’re approved for RetroPGF
- We trust or know them personally
Content for future Town Halls
- Cover general Optimism News
- Screenshare while:
- exploring the weekly twitter thread from Optimism FND
- exploring the weekly newsletter from Optimism Foundation (sent via email)
- showing our work with Optimism Fractal, Eden Fractal, and Optimystics
- showing any interesting links that we save to the Optimism Town Hall topics database
- This will make it much easier to add topics throughout the week and put on a good show in an efficient way
- When we’re screensharing Optimism news, we don’t necessarily need to be fully knowledgeable about it
- Lately I haven’t had a chance to dive in deeply to each of the links in the Optimism Foundation’s weekly twitter thread, but that’s ok. We can learn while we do the livestream. We have enough prerequisite knowledge that we can comment on any interesting developments and provide an introduction for our audience. We don’t need to spend more hours researching each week. Sharing it as we learn as we good is enough to inspire and educate and this is the most efficient way to do this
Branding of Optimism Town Hall
- The Optimism Collective has a city but it currently doesn’t have a town hall
- The town hall branding works well, it is a good meme that connects with people and is fitting in the city
- We should brand the background with Midjourney to be like a physical town hall space in optimistic solarpunk city.
- There can be a banner that says retropgf and slogans like fund the gap
- There can be a futuristic stage, somewhat similar to Lisa’s Coffee Shop
- Perhaps we should use Restream and invite selected guests to the stage and live stream the town hall
Optimism City Branding
- Optimism City
- The City of Optimism
- Optimism, Earth
- These are good names for Optimistic city and it makes sense for the city to become more of a place
- The initial art from the foundation about sunny and the city provides a great start and we need to further develop this vision
- The city of Hope
- Hope, Earth
Announcement Post
Hello Optimists!
We’re stoked to announce Optimism Town Hall, a new interactive show and community meeting spot in the city of Optimism.
We’re stoked to announce Optimism Town Hall, a new interactive show and community meeting spot devoted to Optimism.
helping the Optimism Collective.
November 10th
November 17th
November 24th
December 1st
Post in Eden Town Hall group
Hey all,
Eden Town Hall is
We’ve been building a town hall in the Optimism Collective city
What is the city called?
- This is a simple name that might be good marketing
RetroPGF Pitch Sessions
- The Proof of Integrity twitter account has successfully had very high demand for their event with many community leaders or top projects like Michael Vandermaiden, Agora, Endaoment, and the Optimist participating at their event
- There is nobody else really doing this in the community and they are providing a valuable service that connects with their audience
- The Optimism Demo Day is somewhat similar, but they last 15 minutes each and are not always focused on RetroPGF projects
- There is some overlap between these and it might make sense to link or sync them
- Overall there is alot we can learn from the RetroPGF Showcase events. The Proof of Integrity account is not directly branded for Optimism but they fulfill a need for the community is a simple way that connects with their audience. We can do this better with the Optimystics…
- The Fractal games are awesome of course but they require people to learn a bit and currently we’re not promoting it in a way that immediately connects with RetroPGF participants
Target Audiences
- Our biggest target audience is the 648 projects that are eligible for RetroPGF
- Most of these projects probably want a space to promote their work
- Their biggest need right now is not to learn a game right now to share
- Our other biggest target audience is the 145 badgeholders in the citizens house
- The badgeholders need help curating and highlighting over 600 projects
- The badgeholders are the ones who are directly funding our work so this is the most important target audience in a way
- They got much more popular guests and greater feedback on the second twitter space than the first one this season
- They also did four or five of these in season 2
The event could be livestreamed on video and we could play a consensus game to rank pitches like we did for the speeches or pitches games at Eden Fractal
Comparable Events
RetroPGF Projects Showcase
- Optimism Fractal doesn’t necessarily need to be a perpetual weekly event at this stage. It could be a short first pilot season of Optimism Fractal where we choose the schedule another 3 or 4 events specifically focused on RetroPGF, then we could transition to a Respect Game based on weekly contributions after that in the second season after the holiday break.
- I'm thinking that maybe we should repurpose the goal of the Respect Game to focus on RetroPGF pitches for the next few weeks and am curious to hear your thoughts
- One downside is that
- Maybe it should be called a Public Goods Pitch Session rather than a RetroPGF Pitch Session to make it clear that anyone is welcome to join and share the public goods they’re creating for Optimism even if they don’t have a RetroPGF eligible project
- It might be better to make it
- Yes I agree.
- Should the name be different?
- Perhaps we could call them Public Goods Pitch Sessions to make it more clear that they are open to anyone. However, a general name like this might also be less attractive to project owners in RetroPGF. People know that RetroPGF is a big deal and it’s much larger than public goods sessions for Gitcoin, for example. So it might be best to still include RetroPGF in the name. Or maybe the word Optimism or RPGF. Either way, we could make it clear in the messaging that everyone is welcome to share what they’re doing to create public goods and grow optimism
- RPGF Sessions
- The RetroPGF Games
- Retro Games
- Retro
- Consider refining the game goal of Optimism Fractal to be to grow Optimism rather than help Optimism. I think this might make more sense and be more fun, intuitive, playful, and poetic
Optimism Fractal at Optimism Town Hall?
Consider- where does optimism fractal happen?
Maybe Optimism Fractal should be a weekly event at Optimism Town Hall
This would give Optimism Fractal a location. It would provide a more embodied experience that and a space within the city of Optimism. It gives Optimism Fractal a place in the Optimism Collective.
Optimism Fractal could also be a new kind of event location as well, though I like the idea of making it at Optimism Town Hall
The town hall can sometimes have a bit of a boring feel, like the town hall where i grew up had lots of offices and administrative services with paper work. But the town hall could and should also be a place for community gatherings, fun events, dance parties, etc
If Optimism Fractal is during the Optimism Town Hall, then we could do a
Optimism Town Hall could start an hour or half hour or 15 minutes before the Optimism Fractal event and Respect Game begins. However much time we think would be helpful to provide an introductory overview
Repurposing the Goal of the Respect Game?

Promotional Strategy
Optimism Forums
- We should also consider posting an announcement post in the general chat and category
- We should consider creating a post(s) in the RetroPGF category
- There have only been about 20 posts in here total and there’s many readers who are badgeholders and applicants
Design Fun Pitches Games
- Consider: how can we make the Pitch games and announcement posts very fun?
- We want to make a great first impression on the badgeholders, project owners, and everyone in the community who sees our posts
- We want to provide a lot of value, help the people of the optimism collective, and give everyone awesome experiences
- This is has the potential to be a fun game, but it needs some work and refinement to make it really great
- One thing that worked really well in the pitches games at eden fractal was to include multiple voting criteria and have one of them being focused on fun
- Who shared the most beneficial pitch and who shared the most amusing pitch?
- Who shared the most inspiring pitch and who shared the most fun pitch?
Consider Prizes and Awards for Players
- Learn how to give NFTs on Optimism and test this
- Like Dan Larimer said it’s wise to be cautious about inviting people to participate because of money, but some small prizes here and there seem helpful to promote