Have you thought more about submitting contributions for integrating Optimism Fractal with Hats Protocol in the upcoming season?
I saw the post in the Hats chat about submitting contributions to Hats Protocol and wrote some notes about what kind of contributions might be good to submit below. I started wondering if we should try doing a weekly Respect Game (perhaps asynchronously) to coordinate integrations with Optimism Fractal and distribute ProtoREP amongst contributors.
To Do
- This has the most detailed and up to date conversation about this and is probably good to share most of it if Hodlon is up for it
Consider Ideas for submitting contributions for the Hats ProtoREP
- Do you think that we submit some of our contributions that we plan to make to the Hats Ecosystem to be eligible for Hats protoREP?
- I see it says that “Each contribution on this form should be associated with a single contribution. Please submit one form per contribution.”
- I’m thinking about creating a weekly asynchronous Respect game to facilitate the distribution of protoREP according to the scores in the weekly Respect Games.
- I’m wondering if we would just make one contribution like “Integrate Hats Protocol with Optimism Fractal” or if it would be better to make multiple contributions like “Integrate Hats Protocol with the Respect Game app” and “Integrate Hats Protocol Agreement with Optimism Fractal community” and “Build Respect Eligibility Module” and so forth. Do you have any insights or suggestions on the scope of contribution or are there similar example that we should learn from?
- @hodlon made a quest (link) for integrating Optimism Fractal. Would it be best to make this again?
More related ideas:
Review and Respond to Hodlon about Hats Contribution Submissions with Optimism Fractal, the IC-Fractal PRD, and the PRD from Spencer
Respond to Hodlon about OF 22 and Hats Protocol Contribution Submissions
Review the contribution submission and protoREP distribution processes
Conversation with Hodlon
Have you thought more about submitting contributions for integrating Optimism Fractal with Hats Protocol in the upcoming season?
I saw the post in the Hats chat about submitting contributions to Hats Protocol earlier today and wrote some notes about what kind of contributions might be good to submit. I started wondering if we should try doing a weekly Respect Game (perhaps asynchronously) to coordinate integrations with Optimism Fractal and distribute ProtoREP amongst contributors. I’m curious if you have ideas about this or other ways to make the most of the opportunity in Season 2 of the Hats Community…