Yes that’s a great idea, let’s think about the best way to communicate and implement this kind of seasonal structure that focuses on both rounds. Thanks for voting and approving it!
By the way I just realized that i forgot to send one of the messages that I wrote earlier today. Here it is:

Yes this is a big part of my rationale for thinking of this theme. Here are some reasons for suggesting to align with the Onchain Builders round in the third season:
- Optimism Fractal can allocate the time dedicated for planning sessions in these seasons towards RetroPitches, Respect Trees, and other ways of using Respect to evaluate the contributions of public goods creators who have applied to RetroFunding to help badgeholders make better decisions.
- The video thumbnails, descriptions, and promotions that we produce are usually focused on the discussions during the planning sessions. We do this because there’s usually a unique story that takes place after the Respect Game, whereas the Respect Games usually don’t foster a community wide story in the same way. Aligning the content of the time allocated after the Respect Game with the current theme of RetroFunding could help us synergize our marketing efforts with the Collective.
- I think it generally makes sense to start with the first announced RetroFunding of the year that will get a lot of buzz and attention next month instead of aligning the season around Governance, which probably won’t get as much attention until July or August.
The Contributions to governance, dev tooling, and other forms of impact to Optimism are always welcome in the Respect Game in all seasons. It makes sense to specifically start encouraging contributions to governance and dev tooling in Respect games now as well.

I agree, good points. We’ll also have a better understanding of the exact dates of the Retro Funding rounds by then too.
Another thought that just came to mind is that we could align our seasons around multiple rounds of Retro Funding. For example, we could align the 3rd season around ‘Onchain Builders and Governance’ so aligns well with both rounds. This is a bit longer and may be confusing to people, but could be best as it promotes both rounds more in our season and speaks more to how the Respect Game helps with retroactive impact evaluation by taking measurements each week. This is an important point to consider because we want to promote how Optimism Fractal can improve the review process with both ‘global’ retroactive measurements like Respect Trees and weekly retroactive measurements with the Respect Game. Perhaps the 3rd season could be called Building Onchain Governance and the 4th season could be called Governance Dev Tooling (or something like that) to better reflect the timing of both value propositions of Optimism Fractal.
Alternatively we could align the seasons around another theme that isn’t specific to Retro Funding, but that doesn’t seem like a great idea unless we can think of a really good theme because we’d risk losing the association and collaborative synergies with RetroPGF.
Yes I was careful to word it in a way that’s very open to interpretation. The only hard commitment in the proposal is to start the third season of Optimism Fractal on May 9th, following a two week break. Even that’s not a ‘completely hard’ agreement because proposals are expressions of opinions that can change, but I think we should definitely stick with this commitment.
The part about being generally aligned with the upcoming round of Retro Funding is loosely worded in such a way that the season could operate with a very different theme as long as it aligns with the season in some way. I think it will definitely have at least a little bit of alignment with the upcoming round of RetroFunding even if we decide to do a different theme.
Of course we could always do another proposal towards the end of the break if we change our mind and I agree that it might be best to separate the functions with another proposal that better defines the season’s theme whenever we’re ready to do so.
Please let me know if you’re not comfortable with voting yes before today’s meeting. I’d be happy to reword it to remove the sentence about the upcoming round or change some wording (such as ‘will be aligned’ to ‘may be aligned’) if you’d like
I probably should have made it even broader in the first place since you made a lot of good points here
Thank you for the feedback and quick response!
The way that the proposal is
By the way there is a lot of good ideas here that might be helpful for others to see when considering seasonal structures for Optimism Fractal. Would you mind if I move these messages to the public project for Create seasonal structure for Optimism Fractal?