Draft message to share with Fractally chat and FractalJoy network
At Optimism Fractal we’re creating a way to help community members earn from the upcoming retro funding round about governance and play a leading role in Optimism Collective governance, which is planning to allocate billions of dollars to public goods and is well positioned for exponential growth with millions of people joining in the Superchain along with top initiatives like world chain from ai and Jade
The stage is set to attract hundreds of talented developers and communities leaders to adopt fractals in the largest network
There is a huge opportunity for fractals to grow with more fertile environment, funding opportunities, and alignment then ever. This can be very helpful for Upscale and all other fractals as well. The more that experienced fractal members can participate and rally together in the coming months, the better we’ll all do individually and the more benefit that we’ll be able to create for all with fractals
Consider also sharing with Upscale, AWF, and other fractals
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Thanks for watching and sharing the feedback! It would be great to see you at the events and your expertise in fractal democracy would be much appreciated at Optimism Fractal 🙏🏽
I encourage everyone to watch the most recently released episode to learn more about funding opportunities with Optimism Fractal. You can find timestamps of this discussion here and feel free to reach out with any questions :)
OF 22: Retro Funding Optimism Fractal
How can Optimism Fractal help you earn Retro Funding? We measure each other’s impact in the Collective, then help public goods creators to profit by growing Optimism and contributing to Optimism Fractal 🧑🏽🌾 📏 🔴
Share all of the below or a shortened version? I think it’s better to share just share the message above for now and then share this soon as we have better resources to share, such as our article about how you can earn funding with optimism fracfal