Message Abraham about Jacob’s Work with Hats Protocol
Hey @abraham, Here are Jacob’s videos about deploying a Hats web app that I was telling you about at this week’s Optimism Fractal event. The two videos that I recommend checking out are Rep & Roles Demo Deployment and Website in 7 minutes and Reputation & Roles Demo.
As we discussed, he’s doing really interesting work and I figure that you may be interested to see or integrate with your projects. You can learn a lot more about Jacob’s work on this Roles and Reputations in this page that I’ve been curating since last year, which also includes a video of his presentation at last week’s Optimism Fractal event with a shorter overview of the project, a React Hooks project that he created to help developers implement custom Hats Protocol front-ends, and much more.
I’m very excited about this Roles and Reputations project and think it could be super helpful for Optimism Fractal, as well as many other communities that play the Respect Game. I’d be curious to hear your thoughts about it and hope this information will be helpful for you