A point that’s worth considering is the independence and useable lifespan of the tooling that we build. Notion is an excellent app that’s paving the way towards an ideal collaborative user experience, but we should be careful to avoid becoming too dependent on closed-source software from a corporation in California that could change it’s policies at any time. In the longer term I’d like to integrate this functionality into a fractal app using open source code from , , or Notion (if they ever open source their software). This would enable any community or organization to vote with Respect in a highly flexible and independent manner for all kinds of collective decisions.
The AppFlowy repository is very active and seems like the best open-source alternative to notion. AppFlowy is an open source alternative to Notion with a very active developer base, as you can see in their github repository. Charmverse is well developed with integrations with Optimism and also has additional features for proposals and grants. In the future we could also explore other solutions like and