Add Optimism Fractal notion workspace file to Optimism Fractal GPT
- I tried exporting just the Optimism Fractal notion site by going to then clicking the … at the top right corner in notion, then exporting Markdown/csv including subpages but not images
- This seems to work well (and much better than exporting HTML with pictures), but i’m not totally sure yet and need to review it
- It still exported some other folders like fractaljoy for some reason, but now i can see the text and it seems to have exported most the text

- I tried exporting just the Optimism Fractal notion site by going to then clicking the … at the top right corner in notion, then exporting HTML with everything including subpages.
- This didn’t work as expected. Here’s what went wrong:
- It exported a folder than included information from EC, Optimystics, and other workspaces as well.
- Additionally, I can’t find most of the text or pages. It’s very difficult to understand how it’s organized.
- It seems to have exported mostly pictures and a couple random database. I can’t find the text
- I’m trying again with a Markdown/CVS export with no images.

Provide answers to questions and educational material to help users understand Optimism Fractal, encourage support of Optimism Fractal, and resources to help implement related products like the Respect Game into their community or organization


Just link to this and keep it private . It’s an example in hats private chat
David Ehrlichman 🧢, [Jun 3, 2024 at 8:34 PM] this is pretty awesome @joshuavial! I particularly like the availability of links for more info. Can imagine adding this to our intercom system and docs FAQ as a starting point Couple questions: 1. Can we update the landing page description of Hats? It's a little off, currently says: "Technical advisor on the Hats Protocol for DeFi risk management.". Can use the description found at 2. Do you know if it's possible to make this available to non GPT Plus subscribers? 3. Might just be me, but while I see the links I'm not able to click on them. Anyone else having this issue? 4. What did you train this on? Looks like the docs -- think we could also feed it the materials on the blog if you haven't already (https://blog.hatsprotoco