Test 3
test it with a small database, then see how it works
it seems to work well- review exports in downloads folder from July 5th
then test it with the
- could also
Add Optimism Fractal notion workspace file to Optimism Fractal GPT to Create Optimism Fractal GPT, but search engine indexing is easier and may create more updated results
- this seems to be a very good idea and might make it not necessary to use notion exports
- related:
Fix Optimism Fractal website SEO
Test 2
- I tried exporting just the Optimism Fractal notion site by going to OptimismFractal.com then clicking the … at the top right corner in notion, then exporting Markdown/csv including subpages but not images
- This seems to work well (and much better than exporting HTML with pictures), but i’m not totally sure yet and need to review it
Review the following folder and see what parts should be included
- It still exported some other folders like fractaljoy for some reason, but now i can see the text and it seems to have exported most the text
After making sure the folder doesn’t include private information that shouldnt be sent to the GPT, then upload the file to Optimism Fractal GPT and see how it works
Then test it
and review the following earlier notes
Test 1
- I tried exporting just the Optimism Fractal notion site by going to OptimismFractal.com then clicking the … at the top right corner in notion, then exporting HTML with everything including subpages.
- This didn’t work as expected. Here’s what went wrong:
- It exported a folder than included information from EC, Optimystics, and other workspaces as well.
- Additionally, I can’t find most of the text or pages. It’s very difficult to understand how it’s organized.
- It seems to have exported mostly pictures and a couple random database. I can’t find the text
- I’m trying again with a Markdown/CVS export with no images.
Test if this works better
If so, upload the file to Optimism Fractal GPT
If it doesn’t work well, then ask chatgpt how to export files from Notion that will be compatible with creating a custom GPT
Review and find the chatgpt link for this conversation
Ask in this chat: exactly how to export notion to be able to give it correct data. Include the writing above as a current overview of the issue
After figuring out how to make it work correctly, upload a similar file for optimystics and eden creators garden
Merge with other notes about custom gpt