The Ethereum community includes people of many different backgrounds and skillsets. Whether you’re a developer, an artist, or an accountant, there are ways to get involved. Here’s a list of suggestions that might help you get started.
Start by reading about the mission and values in our code of conduct.
Do you have a background in mathematics, cryptography, or economics? You might be interested in some of the cutting-edge work being done within the Ethereum ecosystem:
Explore more active areas of research.
If you’re not a developer, it can be hard to know where to start in Ethereum. Here are a few suggestions, along with resources for specific professional backgrounds.
Join thousands of node operators in helping to further decentralize Ethereum.
By staking your ETH you can earn rewards whilst helping to secure the Ethereum network.
The Ethereum ecosystem is on a mission to fund public goods and impactful projects. With very small donations you can show your support and allow important work to be realized.
Want to find a job working in Ethereum?
"DAOs" are decentralized autonomous organizations. These groups leverage Ethereum technology to facilitate organization and collaboration. For instance, for controlling membership, voting on proposals, or managing pooled assets. While DAOs are still experimental, they offer opportunities for you to find groups that you identify with, find collaborators, and grow your impact on the Ethereum community. More on DAOs
Please remember to abide by the code of conduct whenever and however you contribute to!