About this project
- I created a new page called
Optimism Fractal Topics
- There’s lots of improvements that we can explore for this process of determine our topics each week
- At Eden Fractal anyone can propose a topic for our weekly events, then community members vote with respect to determine the agenda each week
- This has worked well overall and has a lot of exciting potential that can be refined with Optimism Fractal
- You can see more details about this at the following links:
- EdenCreators.com/agendas: Original thoughts from Eden Fractal community about how to organize agendas with Respect
- Do we want to add extra time to Optimism Fractal events for discussion topics outside of the Respect Game?
- There’s a lot of benefits to keeping a short meeting in less than an hour. It makes it easier for people to fit it in their schedule
- In the past weeks, the community has been getting more involved and talking more after the first hour
- Other options include to schedule another meeting to discuss more details or change the timing of the meeting to last an extra 20 or 30 minutes
Project tasks
Not started
In progress
On Pause