About this project
- There are many excellent resources about Optimism Fractal and the Respect Game that are currently on the Optimystics blog but not on Optimism Fractal’s website or notion page
- This information is very helpful for people to better understand Optimism Fractal, but the visibility is reduced because it’s on a different website.
- It would be good to make it easier for people to find key information about Optimism Fractal on OptimismFractal.com and in this education hub
Review Optimystics.io/blog and consider the best way to make the information more easily accessible
- I think it makes sense to start by curating the information in the education hub
- How exactly would this work? Maybe we should make tasks to consider moving each interesting article (or part thereof) on the optimystics site here on this project?
- This can help decide which information is most helpful to add to the education hub and optimism fractal website, and plan when we should add it there and how we should prioritize tasks
- This notes in this project are quite related to many of the tasks in
Improve OptimismFractal.com Website (and Create Educational Resources) and it may be worth making this into a subproject or merging them in some way
- On a related note, there’s also a lot of helpful information in EdenCreators.com/garden from the past few years that could be helpful to add here as well
- I think it makes sense to start moving all content over soon and add a small spot for authorship in each article to show who wrote it, similar to publications
- Eventually this can become more advanced as many contributors help make the articles better
Project tasks
Not started
Create OptimismFractal.com/governance page
Dan Singjoy
Create OptimismFractal.com/governance page
August 2, 2024
In progress
On Pause