About this project
- The scoreboard should be very intuitive and easy to read
- Ideally it will also have filtering and social media like profile views in it
- It may be helpful to use The Graph for some purposes
Project tasks
Not started
Research and consider developing with scaffold.eth to build features and experiences for Optimism Fractal
Research and consider developing with scaffold.eth to build features and experiences for Optimism Fractal
Integrate ENS with block explorers and Optimism Fractal Respect Scoreboard
Integrate ENS with block explorers and Optimism Fractal Respect Scoreboard
In progress
Create list of well-respected community members
Create list of well-respected community members
Organize Plans for Personal Respect, Distributing after Respect Games, Respect Networks, and Synergies with Optimism Fractal
Dan Singjoy
Organize Plans for Personal Respect, Distributing after Respect Games, Respect Networks, and Synergies with Optimism Fractal
August 2, 2024
On Pause
Check out Stack points leaderboard
Check out Stack points leaderboard
Figure out how to see the Respect Distribution in Optimism Fractal (ie scoreboard, leaderboard)
Figure out how to see the Respect Distribution in Optimism Fractal (ie scoreboard, leaderboard)