About this project
- It would be nice to automate Respect distribution
- Tadas has expressed interest in doing this several times
- Vlad built the Fractal App on Antelope blockchains, which has this functionality
- What is the best way to make this work on the EVM?
- Would it be helpful to use Hats Protocol for this?
- Would it be helpful to integrate with EAS for this?
- See
Explore and Create Integrations with Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS)
- The founder speaks about how actions can happen based on attestations in the Green Pill podcast around 10:00 timestamp: Musing on the Application of Attestation Services and Impact
Project tasks
Not started
Research and consider developing with scaffold.eth to build features and experiences for Optimism Fractal
Research and consider developing with scaffold.eth to build features and experiences for Optimism Fractal
In progress
On Pause