- It may make sense to make some of Fractally, More Equal Animals, and other related resources into a more collaborative educational resource stewarded by Optimism Fractal
- The Optimism Fractal community will be much more capable of coordinating these educational resources than the Optimystics team
- There is a huge amount of helpful information here, but there is also some information that isn’t so relevant or well-written and it needs to be curated to include the most helpful parts for Optimism Fractal
You can see more details about these resources in Curate Resources about Fractal Consensus Processes
The History of Fractal Communities
You can learn about the history that led to Optimism Fractal in this article from the Optimystics, entitled Our Optimystical Journey. We recommend this article for anyone who would like to learn more about the development and history of fractal consensus processes over the past few years.
More details at
More Equal Animals
More details and links:
What is Fractal Democracy?
Fractal Democracy enables a group of people to govern themselves without being captured by hidden, non-democratic, power structures. It does not make any ideological claims. Winston Churchill once said that “democracy is the worst form of government - except for all the others that have been tried”, but what if there are a multitude of ways to measure the will of the people, and some work while others fail miserably? Fractal Democracy is the best approach to tapping the wisdom of the crowds and reaching consensus on everything from leaders to budgets to laws.
You can learn more in this article.