This task aims to create a participant agreement for the Optimism Fractal project with Hats Protocol. The agreement will outline the terms and conditions for community members to join and participate.
The following shows how Hats protoDAO allows new community members to sign an onchain agreement to receive access to various community platforms. Additionally, the task references prior research on community agreements and provides related articles for further review.
Community Agreements with Hats Protocol
The Hats protoDAO has a system where new community members can sign an agreement onchain to receive the member’s hat, which grants access to the Hat’s community telegram, charmverse, wiki, and forum. You can hear one of their founders explain this at 41:05 during their first Demo Day and see his screenshare a minute later.
We’ve thought a lot about creating an onchain agreement for Optimism Fractal and this would make it easy to do so, while also composing with access to other applications. I think this is a great innovation that will be very helpful for the Optimism Fractal community and many other communities that play the respect game.
Anyone can sign up to join the Hats community and watch a tutorial video about joining at the links below:
Related Project and Research
You can see a project with tasks related towards developing and implementing a participant agreement for Optimism Fractal here:
Implement onchain Optimism Fractal participant/contributor agreement
Research into Community Agreements
This research can help guide our implementation of a community agreement with the Hats Protocol software.
We have discussed onchain agreements for fractal communities many times and I’ve curated extensive resources on the subject, which you can find in the link below.
Code of Conduct and Dispute Resolution Systems
Review Prior Research into Codes of Conduct, Dispute Resolution Systems, and Community Agreements