- This might be the best solution if it’s not possible to selectively determine permissions for connections like slack or zapier
Review pros and cons below
- It would probably be good to have a separate URL for the notion instead of Eden Creators
- This could also help separate Eden Creators from Optimism Fractal and make Eden Creators more suitable for its own RetroPGF in round 5
- It’s easy to move pages between workspaces with the “move to” button- basically just as easy as moving them to a teamspace within a workspace
- The main issue is that you can only duplicate the pages- not move them. So any existing comments wouldn’t be carried over.
- This isn’t ideal, but the original version with the comments would still be available in the eden creators workspace if needed.
- If it’s worth doing, then now would be a good time so that future pages don’t have this issue
- You can see this below:

- The other issue is that I don’t think that payment for membership would apply to both workspaces. So if we did want to have paid features for Optimism Fractal, Eden Fractal, Optimystics, and other brands… then we might need to pay for each person in each of these different workspaces
- Another significant downside of using a different workspace is that you can’t easily link to a page in another workspace by using [[ ]].
- For example, I tried created this project but can’t link to it with [[testing optimism fractal notion workspace
- This is a fairly important feature. It’s not essential but is definitely nice to have
- Even if there is a work-around, then it could be very confusing if the page is duplicated but the original page is not deleted
- This could be fixed fairly easily by
consider asking chatgpt and/or notion help/forums if there is a work-around
- Another significant downside is that you can’t hit CMD+P to search across workspaces. This can make it more difficult to find some projects, tasks, and pages
- Another potential downside is exporting. If you have multiple workspaces and export, then do you need to export each individually or do they all export at once?
check this
consider asking chatgpt and/or notion help/forums:
is it possible to set a different URL per teamspace?
is it possible to set connections per teamspace? only with the api?
is it possible to include different workspaces in search results?
- maybe there is a setting for this?
is it possible to enable easy linking across team spaces with [[?
- these features would be helpful for others as well
can you export multiple workspaces at once?