Below you can find our community intent, game rules, and other important details about Optimism Fractal 🌞
Table of Contents
- Welcome
- Specifications
- 1. Respect Game meetings
- 2. Respect Game
- 3. Validity of break-out group result
- 4. Respect
- 5. Respect Distribution
- 6. Consensus process
- 7. Bootstrap stage
Optimism Fractal is a community dedicated to fostering collaboration, awarding public good creators, and optimizing governance on the Optimism Superchain.
1. Respect Game meetings
1.1. Respect Game meetings happen weekly;
1.2. At the start of the meeting participants are randomly distributed into break-out groups of 3 to 6 people. Each break-out group plays Respect game, which lasts for 45 minutes;
2. Respect Game
2.1. Each participant of the group is given up to 4 minutes to present their contributions. Their presentation should answer the following question: "What did I do this week to help Optimism?"
2.2. After everyone has had time to present, the group tries to reach consensus on rankings of contributions;
2.2.1. The participant who has contributed the most gets Level 6, the second biggest contributor gets level 5 and so on;
2.3. Once the group reaches consensus, participants of the group signal it onchain by calling submitCons
function of the smart contract;
3. Validity of break-out group result
3.1. Break-out group result consists of rankings produced by the Respect Game and a group number;
3.2. A break-out group result is said to be valid if all of the following requirements hold
3.2.1. At least 2/3rds of the break-out group participants submit this result onchain by calling submitCons
contract function within 2 hours of Respect game start. If a participant submits two conflicting results within this 2-hour window, only the newer one is taken into account;
3.2.1. At least 1 council member calls submitCons
signaling this result (they don’t have to be participants of a break-out group);
3.2.3. A break-out group result is not blacklisted by the council (by passing a proposal to do it - see item 6);
4. Respect
4.1. Respect is a non-transferable token representing respect (an opinion) that a community (in this case Optimism Fractal) has on a particular account;
4.2. Respect is not a property that can by owned by anyone (or anything) and no participating party owns Respect”
5. Respect Distribution
5.1. Every Respect Game meeting shall eventually result in minting of Respect to participants of valid break-out groups;
5.2. Level 6 of a valid break-out group receives 55 Respect;
5.3. Level 5 of a valid break-out group receives 34 Respect;
5.4. Level 4 of a valid break-out group receives 21 Respect;
5.5. Level 3 of a valid break-out group receives 13 Respect;
5.6. Level 2 of a valid break-out group receives 8 Respect;
5.7. Level 1 of a valid break-out group receives 5 Respect;
6. Consensus process
6.1. Every week, during Respect Game meeting, a poll is created for participants to register to take part in the consensus process of Optimism Fractal next week. This is “registration poll”. Participants can register throughout the whole week;
6.2. Top 6 Respect earners out of those who registered in last week’s “registration poll” constitute a "council" for the current week (except during a Bootstrap stage);
6.2.1. A new council is activated at the start of a Respect Game meeting. Respect distribution at that moment is used to determine the council;
6.2.2. If fewer than 6 participants have registered, then council is smaller (consists only of those who registered);
6.3. A proposal is said to be passed by Optimism Fractal if at least 2/3rds of council members signal approval for it;
6.4. Proposals passed by the council can:
6.4.1. Signal opinion of Optimism Fractal community;
6.4.2. Make changes to the rules of Optimism Fractal (i.e.: rules expressed here);
6.4.3. Select software implementation of Optimism Fractal (i.e.: implementation of rules defined here - smart contract deployment, official frontends, etc);
6.4.4. Blacklist break-out group results (see 3.2.3);
6.4.5. Make changes to the current Respect distribution (burn existing or mint additional Respect);
6.5. Optimism Fractal does not have any control or any other kind of power over any participating parties;
7. Bootstrap stage
7.1. During the first 12 weeks of Optimism Fractal the council will be constituted by 4 accounts controlled by 4 people who launched Optimism Fractal:
- 0xf6E9B8d1877Ea00F7b72F682Fa15906D6A9F4693
- 0xC11C6f47fe090a706bA82964B8A98F1682b244Ff
- 0xAED620c450911c38714E666cd84137767e3D6286
- 0xF34F5B88Ff9A65594C49ed9Fa8D0451C15Ce215B