This page aims to curate metrics that demonstrate the impact of Optimism Fractal Respect Game events. This page is a work in progress and is expected to iteratively become more of a comprehensive resource over time.
Note: These statistics were compiled and last updated on October 17th.
Snapshot Poll Metrics
Here are metrics showing participation in the Optimism Fractal snapshot space. You can see the most Note that this does not include the related Optimism Town Hall or OPTOPICS snapshot spaces.
Social Media Engagement Metrics
The following images show engagement metrics from the Optimystics X account, which is one place where we post Optimism Fractal Respect Game promotions.
There are also many other channels that where we post about Optimism Fractal Respect Game promotions that we haven’t yet curated, including many farcaster channels, personal social media accounts, brand social media accounts, telegram channels, governance forums, and discord servers.
We’ll work to curate more of these in the future and the following screenshots are provided to give you an idea of some of our engagements.
Note: The following metrics show the combined viewership between Optimism Fractal Respect Game events, Eden Fractal Events, Optimism Town Hall events, and related promotions from Optimystics. We are working on more specific analytics solutions to enable a more granular view to the metrics for each of these content types.
Youtube Viewership Metrics
The following image shows viewership metrics from over the past year on the Eden Creators youtube channel.
Note: The following metrics show the combined viewership between Optimism Fractal Respect Game events, Eden Fractal Events, Optimism Town Hall events, and other shows produced by Eden Creators. We are working on more specific analytics solutions to enable a more granular view to the metrics for each of these shows. You can get a better idea of the amount of views for Optimism Fractal Respect Game events in this playlist.